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19cbb 12-25-2009 01:48 PM

Matty #1
Wagner #2, but waiting for finished work...

Thanks for sharing!

GKreindler 12-27-2009 12:09 AM

Wow!!! Thanks for the wonderful compliments, guys!! And really jacksons, I should be saying the same stuff about you (and I do)!

I'm glad the Wagner seems to be coming along alright. I just think it's one of the most amazing action shots of Honus that I've ever seen, especially with those big paws. I also LOVE that bat - there's barely any tapering at the handle! I just hope that in the end, the viewer will feel like he/she is at the West Side Grounds watching the action in 1909, not just looking at a colorized photograph or something. If I can pull that off right, then I certainly feel like I've done my job.

And the Joe Jackson, well, I have to give all of that credit to Conlon. Those eyes. Man, 'nuff said.

But really, I'm so glad that you're enjoying these updates, as I don't want to waste any bandwidth with my stuff. As long as y'all want to see more though, I'll continue to post 'em!

Hope everyone had/is having a wonderful holiday!


GKreindler 01-07-2010 10:02 AM

Hey all,

I got a few emails asking how things were going with the Joe Jackson Conlon I was working on, so I thought I'd post the work from last night. I'm only starting to flesh out the face right now, so not much work has been done on the body.

I hope that the glare that's so unmistakable in Conlon's photo will come through in the final. But either way, it's got a while to go...

Hope everyone had a wonderful (and safe) New Years!!



(As per usual, please excuse the cruddy photography!)

stone193 01-07-2010 06:22 PM

From Tops to Best!
Hi Graig

I've been watching your work for some time now - and I always thought it was superb but it seems you're getting better! If that's humanly possible.

Your work doesn't only capture the likeness but also the spirit/soul of the individuals you're painting.

Thanx for sharing.

LOUCARDFAN 01-08-2010 08:13 AM

Graig, I just have one word for the Jackson - WOW!

GKreindler 01-08-2010 09:54 AM

Thanks for the compliments, guys! I can only hope that I can keep doing whatever it is that I'm doing!

ptr002 01-08-2010 03:01 PM


Your attention to detail is incredible. I look forward to working with you on that Gehrig/Dimaggio piece.

GKreindler 01-08-2010 07:36 PM

Me too, Paul! I've always wanted to do an image of that scene. There's just something about the triumvirate of Gehrig, DiMaggio and LaGuardia that's always looked so cool to me. I wonder if deep down, they knew they were going to roll over the Cubs in that series...

milkit1 01-11-2010 07:33 PM

did you score that awesome Goslin picture?

GKreindler 01-11-2010 09:01 PM

Unfortunately, I did not. I had my eyes on a few of those negatives, and I didn't win a single one. :(

JasonL 02-11-2010 02:47 PM

It's been over a month,
so I thought I'd check up and see what Graig is working on...

So Graig, whatcha doin' lately?

GKreindler 02-12-2010 08:38 AM

Whoa! Has it been over a month since I posted something? Yikes.

Thank you for showing an interest Jason!! Sometimes I worry that I put this stuff up and just waste bandwidth.

So, I have these on the easel right now.

I'm currently finishing up this Wagner piece, and despite my best efforts, it's destroying my life. It's almost where I want it to be, but they're still some problems with that darn light, as well as the odd red of the ballpark. It's still hard for me imagine that the West Side Grounds were such a color at that point in the new century, but according to all the local newspapers of the day, it indeed was. They're also some curvature issues of the stands that need to be dealt with - they're an eye-sore!!

This Joe Jackson painting is just about done, as I only have a few things to work out in the background. I had to flesh out the white stands behind the fence, as they just appear as blurry blobs in the photo. Thankfully, I have a good amount of reference from the Polo Grounds during that year (1913).

This last one is turning out to be a lot of fun too, though there's a lot of research that still needs to be done. The scene is Cobb at bat on Opening Day of the 1908 season. The Tigers were playing the White Sox at the South End Grounds, which 20,000 piled onto the field to check out. Though Detroit lost the contest, Cobb had a hell of a game with a couple of hits and a home run. I also just love seeing action shots like this of the man, especially with that intense look of concentration. What's also interesting to consider about the image is that I have to paint uniforms that look new and pretty, what with being the first game of the season and all. I guess it's just weird for me to picture Tyrus Raymond Cobb in a uniform that DOESN'T have dirt on it.

Though, I'm still waiting on some microfilm to get information about the park and the such, so this is currently on hold until I can figure out exactly what's going on with those details. Man, these deadball era parks are TOUGH!!

Also, I've started a - dare I say it - golf painting. The shot is of Bobby Jones during the 1927 British Open, teeing off at the 17th hole at St. Andrews. It's a pretty busy image with a lot of crowd and beautiful light, but hopefully I'll be able to pull it off. Once I get more onto the canvas, I'll post something if you're all interested.

So, as usual, please excuse my godawful photography (which keeps getting worse and worse), and definitely feel free to throw crits/complaints/suggestions/Pop-Tarts my way!!!


perezfan 02-12-2010 09:38 AM

Wow Graig... I'm at a loss for words, as they just keep getting better and better. Cobb looks simply incredible against that magnificent backdrop, and the Wagner image appears as if it could pop right off of the canvas and come alive.

Incredible work- has me salivating!

Pup6913 02-12-2010 09:48 AM

Amazing just does not describe the work you do;)

If you decide the Wagner painting is to much for you and want to scrap it let me know and I will pay for the trash bin to be delivered to my house for disposal:D

timzcardz 02-12-2010 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 781941)
Whoa! Has it been over a month since I posted something? Yikes.

Thank you for showing an interest Jason!! Sometimes I worry that I put this stuff up and just waste bandwidth.

Wasted bandwidth?

This is some of the best bandwidth on the net!

The glimpses that you provide us of your work and process are womderful.

Thank you for sharing.

GKreindler 02-12-2010 12:07 PM

Thanks guys, that's really nice of you to say. I mean, REALLY nice. I feel like whenever I'm down on what I'm doing, you guys are always there to pick me up. And believe you me, some of these have been absolute battles.

And, Pup, I'll certainly keep you posted about the contents of my trash. :)

Lordstan 02-12-2010 02:35 PM

Hey wait a minute! Why does he get dibs on the trash?
Forget arranging pick up, I'll even come myself to hand collate it for you?:D

They are all just fantastic. I hope you know we aren't all being kind just to stroke your ego.
It is a rare gift to be able to watch greatness at work. I don't think anyone would disagree that what you do is fantastic.

Even if we can't own them all, they sure are incredible to watch evolve.


cwazzy 02-12-2010 03:14 PM

Great stuff, as usual! Have you thought about creating a live stream while you paint? I would be interested to see your technique (unless that's a trade secret ;)).

JeremyW 02-12-2010 03:17 PM

Jeez Graig...
1 Attachment(s)
I always loved looking at my Stein Wagner, but now it seems more like a photocopy to me after seeing your interpretation.

Kawika 02-12-2010 04:20 PM

Graig: You are just a young guy but your opus already comprises greatness; your trajectory through the coming decades defies one's imagination. (I'm not sure what I just wrote there but it sounded good). I can see you at age 50 as a grandmaster of baseball art, the Norman Rockwell of the Ballyard. It's too bad you weren't around a couple of generations ago when painted art graced the covers of magazines such as the Saturday Evening Post. You'd've had a steady gig. I hope, no, I insist that a "coffee table" retrospective of the baseball paintings of Graig Kreindler be in the offing someday soon. Awesome, awesome stuff.

thekingofclout 02-12-2010 05:16 PM

One more thing you guys should know about Graig...

Originally Posted by Lordstan (Post 782095)
Graig,They are all just fantastic. I hope you know we aren't all being kind just to stroke your ego.

It is a rare gift to be able to watch greatness at work. I don't think anyone would disagree that what you do is fantastic. Mark

is that he has no ego. No kidding. Due to the nature of my business, I have made acquaintances of several thousand people over the years, maybe more, and Graig's genuine humility is as pure as any I have ever seen.

I'm immensely proud to count him as a great friend.

Love ya Brutha... Jimmy

GKreindler 02-12-2010 06:19 PM

Wow. I don't even know what to say!! Thank you everyone for all of those wonderful things you've said. I know I've said it before, but I'm just so pleased that y'all seem to dig what I'm doing so much. It really means a lot to me to create these things, and though it may sound a little cheesy, this stuff is really my life-force. It's on my mind 95% of my waking life (the other 5% being devoted to chicken strips and french fries), and it's just something that I feel like I need to do. Thank god I enjoy it so much!

Mark, I guess if you're willing to make the trek over to New York and rummage through the trash, I can't stop ya. I just hope that you're pleased with the stuff you're going to find!! :)

Chris, it's funny you mention that, as Dean (my agent) does want to film me painting something - and I'm sure he'll get to it eventually. The only problem is, I usually paint in my boxers and not much else, so I'd be worried about what my audience would be seeing in addition to the canvas. Was that too much information?

Jeremy, I can't believe you'd prefer my painting of the Stein!! I still feel like I'm not capturing what Burke so eloquently showed us in his photograph. What a master he was!!! But really, thank you.

David, I'm going to be thirty in a few months, so I don't know if I can still be considered young. Actually, the amount of gray hairs popping up on my head is seriously alarming. By the time I'm 50, I'm expecting to maybe be 1/100 the artist that Rockwell was. I couldn't wash that man's brushes!! And regarding a coffee table book, well, I can't divulge much here, but something may (or may not) be in the works!!

Jimmy, as per usual, you make me blush. I think the only reason I come off as being humble is because I'm so darn short - usually I'm too close to the ground for people to hear me. I'm proud to call you my brutha from anotha mutha.

Really, thanks guys...

danc 02-12-2010 07:17 PM



Jantz 02-12-2010 09:12 PM


Absolutely amazing. I keep waiting for Matty to blink.

To me though, the Cobb looks perfect the way it is right now. If was going to be the future owner of that painting, I wouldn't want you to do another thing to it.

I always enjoy seeing your paintings.

Thanks for sharing,


whitehse 02-12-2010 09:13 PM

I am sitting here with my wife who could give a rats rear end about sports and I showed her these paintings. She was as taken with them as I have been all this time. She is amazed at the life-like nature of your paintings and how exceptional they are. I have to say....somewhere along the line, I hope to God you will start selling lithos or at the very minimum, posters that can be purchased. You have a talent that needs to be shown to a wider audience and I know I cant afford an original but I would love to own a signed litho or poster!!

Keep up the great work.

ElCabron 02-13-2010 01:25 AM

I saw that Matty painting at the National and was absolutely blown away by it. One of the most stunning pieces of art I've ever seen. I swear I stood there for at least 15 minutes just staring at it. By the end of the 15 minutes I had decided to buy it, but it was already sold.

I'd love to see you bring some Negro Leaguers to life on the canvas. And so would my walls!

Keep up the mind-blowingly brilliant work!


robedits 02-13-2010 08:32 AM

GK...your work is stunning. Absolutely gorgeous. You have incredible talent. Something about those are very haunting,and beautiful at the same time.
Just great work.

howard38 02-13-2010 10:31 AM

Graig, I ordinarily don't respond to threads such as this but your paintings are too good to ignore. It doesn't have anything to do w/the baseball theme either. The mastery of color and shadowing/contrast is fantastic w/the Mathewson portrait being perhaps the best example (fwiw I have a degree in Art History).

Do you do anything other than baseball related work that can be viewed on the web?



GKreindler 02-13-2010 01:46 PM

Wow, you guys are all incredibly nice. Really.

DanC, Thank you!!

Jantz, thank you so much those kind words. I was just curious, what about the Cobb right now makes you want it the way it is? I've actually had one or two other people tell me the same thing, and that sometimes they really dig the 'unfinished' look of the paintings.

Whitehse, I don't think that we're going to be doing lithos or reproductions of the baseball stuff anytime soon, but it is possible that there will be a book or catalog available at some point. Or at least, I'm hoping so. Of course, when/if that stuff happens, I'll be sure to let you and board know. And thanks for the compliments, both from you and your wife!! I'm really glad that you guys dig the stuff.

NoizeBringer, did we get to talk at all during the National? Either way, I'm really pleased you liked the Matty painting. That one seemed to be received better than anything on our walls, which I guess can be a double-edged sword. Hopefully I can continue to make portraits that can illicit that kind of reaction!! Regarding the Negro Leagues stuff, I definitely have a lot of images in mind, including some of Satchel, Jackie, and of course, Gibson. The only problem that I run into with those is that there's so little available in terms of photo reference, and in a lot of cases, just general information, that I'm a little worried that I couldn't do the justice that those images (and men) deserve.

robedits, the compliment of 'haunting' is really friggin' awesome - thank you so much!

Howard, thanks for those awesome words, especially since you may not respond to art threads often!! I appreciate the exception :). In regards to other work, there isn't much that's available on the web, as the majority of my older illustration work never made it into the digital world. I feel like right now, the only paintings in the studio are either baseball themed, or just older art school stuff (studies from life, plein air, etc.).

Again, thank you so much everybody!

Jantz 02-13-2010 04:18 PM


I posted the comment because when I look at your Cobb painting that is exactly how my eyes would see it.

Just image if you had tickets to that very game back in 1908 and this was the view from your seat. Up steps the great Ty Cobb to take his at-bat. How much of the background or any other detail inside the stadium would anyone really notice? If I were sitting there, my entire focus and attention would be on Cobb. You might see it differently because you are an artist, but the way you have the painting now, Cobb's form being the only detailed part in the painting makes him "jump right out" of the painting.

Some may say it is unfinished, but I think you've already captured the moment in this painting.

Once again, truly amazing.


Lordstan 02-14-2010 08:39 AM

Wow. Great observation.
It is interesting to compare the Wagner to the Cobb. Both shots are from the same perspective, but opposite sides of the plate.
Cobb does stand out more than Wagner, between the two. Cobb def has a more 3D effect. In the Wagner, the stands and all the detail do lessen the impact of his figure. Still, there is something to be said for seeing that stadium in all it's glory. The colors, crowd and all those little things help bring me back to that specific setting to feel what it would've been like to to be there.
I think this is a matter of taste. I certainly would be happy with the Cobb as is. Welll, maybe a little more detail to the background. Though I'm sure it will look spectacular, in all it's glory, when fully detailed.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
And Graig, we all have beheld a lot of beauty in this thread.

BTW, how did the final Old Pete come out?


MVSNYC 02-14-2010 09:09 AM

graig- awesome work. not sure if you have explained this in the past, but i'd love to know what your process is? how do you take the images from the photos and transport them to the canvas? can you explain the pencil marks on the canvas and how you use them, etc, etc...truly great work.

GKreindler 02-14-2010 11:50 PM

Jantz, it's interesting that you would say that. Normally, in traditional realistic/figurative painting, the artist usually attempts to draw the viewer's eyes to a certain area of the work. More often than not, said area will be more developed than the other areas, whether it's more refined, has a larger range of values, or has the most chromatic color. I guess in the Cobb painting, the eye goes to the most complete part - Cobb himself. The other stuff does indeed become secondary, and its representation becomes less important. In that regard, I'm free to be a little bit more liberal with edges, color contrasts and temperatures. It's really cool that both you and Mark are aware that that's how the brain can work. Honestly, that's something that I think a lot of artists miss out on. But, I guess that in the end, I could never purposely leave the painting 'unfinished' like that, as I'll always want to include as much visual information as possible. If nothing else, it's one of the only ways to satiate my OCD!!

Mark, I'm just so glad you guys are enjoying this stuff, no matter what state the art is in!! Ol' Pete is indeed complete. I'll have to post or send you a scan when I get home on Tuesday morning.

MVSNYC, regarding the drawings on the canvas, well, let's just say that it's a lot of comparing and fixing and comparing and fixing. I pretty much work on getting all of the proportions down with basic shapes, and then from there, get into small shapes. That's actually what you end up seeing in those little squiggly lines. It kind of ends up being a topographical map, as I end up thinking of the image in terms of light and dark shapes, rather than line. When doing realistic work, I find that it's important to have this kind of attitude to get the effects I want. I guess one of my main concerns ends up being whether the objects sit in a realistic space, and that's really done best when light is treated in such a way. Actually, that's just what works best for me, and certainly not the gospel. If you're interested in knowing anything more specific, drop me a line and I'll fill you in as much as possible!

Thanks again, fellas...


MVSNYC 02-15-2010 06:20 AM

thanks for your response! your talent & process is so fascinating! my dad is an abstract artist, so i have always had a love for personal collection is mostly abstract expressionism, but i certainly admire and love photo realism as well. amazing work, my you do it all by eye, comparing photo to canvas, back to photo? there's no overlay or projected image on canvas, etc? truly remarkable! i'll PM you about some pricing.

PhilNap 02-15-2010 09:14 PM

Hey Graig,

It facinates me how you break a large painting down to such minute detail right from the sketch stage with all those "squiggly lines". I guess thats what separates you from the rest. Being able to look at a photo and see all that detail and variation. I hope Dean gets around to video taping you. I'd love to see how exactly you fill in and paint around all that squigglyness.

BTW is that T206 Wagner done? Curious to see the finished product.

GKreindler 02-16-2010 03:01 PM

Mark, here's Ol' Pete!!

Phil, Wagner isn't done yet. Actually, I have yet to touch it since I last posted. I had to put it aside for a bunch of other stuff, but will hopefully finish it up soon, as it only needs about another full day of work.

And the squiggly lines...well...let's just say I'm going insane. Or HAVE gone insane. It's at the point where I just see shapes and nothing else. Wait until you see your painting!!


Lordstan 02-16-2010 03:20 PM

As if I didn't know it would be magnificent.:rolleyes:
Another beauty.
I wish I had the money for them all.

bigtrain 02-18-2010 01:58 PM

Your work is magnificent. Just one question? Why is nothing hanging in the Hall of Fame? Wake up Cooperstown!

GKreindler 02-18-2010 03:13 PM

Thanks Tom!! I would love to have something hanging in Cooperstown, but they're a few hurdles to jump over. Unfortunately, as you may or may not know, they NEVER buy anything, whether it's a painting or an artifact. They're always expected people to donate their stuff to the place, especially since they were pretty much founded under that very concept.

Under normal circumstances, I would be alright with such a thing (though ideally I would love to have the museum actually purchase something), but, if they did get a donated painting, they couldn't guarantee that it would stay in their permanent collection. What that means is that it can basically sit in a warehouse forever and never see the light of day, be sold at a fund-raising auction, or who knows?

I'll admit, it would be awesome to say that the Hall of Fame owns some of my work, but I think if there was any way that they could actually approach me and purchase something, or at least guarantee that the painting would stay in their permanent collection, I'd be MUCH more inclined...

Maybe one day...

bigtrain 02-18-2010 04:53 PM

I know they cannot promise that it will always be on display, but I am not aware of any fund-raising sales of donated artifacts. In fact, it is my understanding that the HOF artifacts once donated become the property of the State of New York. In the early 1980s, the Hall loaned some memorabilia to MLB and it ended up being sold by an employee in the Commissioner's office. When that became public, it created a public relations nightmare for the HOF that took years to die down. Obviously, folks do not want to donate artifacts if the HOF isn't going to keep them. I still hope to see your work in Cooperstown one day soon.

GKreindler 03-03-2010 01:38 PM

Hey all,

I got a few messages about the progress of this guy, so I thought I'd post its progress.

It's almost done, but the next parts will be the hardest. I have to clean up the type and the border line, and even worse, try to make my own moire pattern to mimic the printing process. I'm starting to think that it might be fun to paint a slab around it too...

Doing this has been a weird exercise. It's one thing to do a tromp l'oil, but doing one that has a single element with no background has been...well...odd. Though, it did make me think that it might be fun to paint some of the original Horner portraits as they would have looked in the studio. At least with that, I'd be dealing with real light and not have the limitations I've been dealing with in copying the lithographs from this set. Actually, to me, this card it just ends up being copying. But, I did have a lot of fun working on those edges!! But yeah, it would be very appealing to try and recreate a scene with actual lighting, even if it's controlled in a studio.

Anyway, I'm babbling. Any crits/comments/problems are certainly welcomed!

Oh, and as usual, forgive the photography!


thekingofclout 03-03-2010 06:57 PM

I can't get this thought out of my head....
How could a printed piece of hundred year old cardboard have more value than this masterpiece created from the hands of God?

GrayGhost 03-03-2010 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by thekingofclout (Post 787310)
How could a printed piece of hundred year old cardboard have more value than this masterpiece created from the hands of God?

It is a breathtaking looking work Graig, but KOC, "hands of God"? A bit extreme, don't cha think.?

thekingofclout 03-04-2010 12:08 AM

Not at all Mr. Ghost...

Originally Posted by GrayGhost (Post 787378)
It is a breathtaking looking work Graig, but KOC, "hands of God"? A bit extreme, don't cha think.?

I don't think you understood my meaning because I didn't use any of the "smiles" icons.

Since I do believe in God, and also believe that extraordinary talents like Graig possesses, are a "gift from God"... it was merely my way of expressing such.

I didn't realize that the Hall Monitor was going to "out" me for expressing my appreciation of Graig's talent.

Next time, I'll stick with the "breathtaking looking work" line that you just coined.

Go in peace...

GrayGhost 03-04-2010 07:13 AM

Hey, sorry KOC. Obviously Graig's talent is incredible, and I love his work. I didnt mean there to be misunderstandings.

JasonL 03-04-2010 10:11 AM

Graig, you know you're on the right track when
people get into fights over how best to heap accolades upon you! :D

GKreindler 03-04-2010 10:40 AM

Whoa, whoa!!! Thanks for the words, guys!

It's all good though. I think that Jimmy knows better than anyone that if I were god, we'd all be in some serious trouble. And by 'serious trouble' I mean 'eating matzoh ball soup everyday'.

Actually, that wouldn't be so bad.


thekingofclout 03-04-2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by GrayGhost (Post 787413)
Hey, sorry KOC. Obviously Graig's talent is incredible, and I love his work. I didnt mean there to be misunderstandings.


Originally Posted by JasonL (Post 787460)
people get into fights over how best to heap accolades upon you! :D


Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 787471)
Whoa, whoa!!! Thanks for the words, guys!

It's all good though. I think that Jimmy knows better than anyone that if I were god, we'd all be in some serious trouble. And by 'serious trouble' I mean 'eating matzoh ball soup everyday'.

Actually, that wouldn't be so bad.


Thanks for your apology Scott. We're all good now.

And thanks to Jason for defusing the situation. However, I must say that I have never started a fight in my life, but I've finished 'em all.

And to our boy Graig... it's all your fault anyway ;)

JasonL 03-04-2010 02:15 PM

no, not bad, per se, however...

Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 787471)
Whoa, whoa!!! Thanks for the words, guys!

It's all good though. I think that Jimmy knows better than anyone that if I were god, we'd all be in some serious trouble. And by 'serious trouble' I mean 'eating matzoh ball soup everyday'.

Actually, that wouldn't be so bad.


I do think that every day might be a little too, how shall we say?.....binding? :D:rolleyes:

GKreindler 03-04-2010 08:57 PM

Oh, Jimmy. Isn't it ALWAYS my fault?? Well, that's what Dean tells me, at least.

And Jason, 'binding' is certainly a nice way of putting it. I find that if it's good enough, I'll go through the pain. To me, they're few things that are more comforting that a heaping bowl of the stuff. Add a corned beef sandwich and some kasha varnishkes and we're all set.

Oh man, I'm hungry now.

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