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frankbmd 04-16-2017 10:54 AM

Net54 Around The World
3 Attachment(s)
Have we collectively visited every country on the planet?

#22 CUBA
#25 FIJI
#40 PERU
#51 UNIED KINGDOM. (for Denny's benefit this includes Scotland, Wales and YES Ireland)
#57 OMAN

Let's find out. The current list will be kept above in this post

We need a couple of rules though and here it is.

#1 - You have to have visited the country in the most recent post, before you can add a country. A photo of both countries is desirable but not essential.

#2 - If your post is not responded to in 7 days, you may add another country and receive a point. The points are worthless.

I will get things started.

Country #1 is Myanmar

Here I am before crossing from Thailand into Myanmar.

Attachment 269751

Here is the old border on a bridge from Mai Sai into Myanmar. It looks different now.

Attachment 269749

I stayed just long enough to take this picture.

Attachment 269750

I'll bet these folks never expected to show up on a baseball card forum.

If you have been to Myanmar, what is county #2?

ullmandds 04-19-2017 02:03 PM

Well Frank...not sure we can cover the whole world here on net54...but probably 3/4 atleast!!!!! When I read this post the other day I thought Thailand was the country...and I was ready to play! Unfortunately I had planned to go to Myanmar but my dad got sick and I had to cancel...does that count?????

SmokyBurgess 04-19-2017 03:10 PM

I was in Burma in 1981 and did the Rangoon, Pagan, Mandalay route. Temples, leg-rowers and beautiful tour guides.

Next country: India

(Sorry, no way to scan pix)

egri 04-19-2017 03:26 PM

I was in India for about two weeks in December 2015 and January 2016. Saw a bunch of the tourist traps (Taj Mahal, Golden Temple) and some factories. I will try to post a few pictures later. We flew Emirates, with a layover in country #3, the UAE.

irishdenny 04-20-2017 05:33 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Here we Go!:

Hawaiian Islands
(O'ahu, Kona, Kauai, Moloka'i, Lanai, Maui & Da Big Island)
New Zealand
Diego Garcia
Hong Kong
The Good Ole' USA

frankbmd 04-20-2017 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by irishdenny (Post 1652654)
Here we Go!:

Hawaiian Islands
(O'ahu, Kona, Kauai, Moloka'i, Lanai, Maui & Da Big Island)
New Zealand
Diego Garcia
Hong Kong
The Good Ole' USA

There were only two rules, both of which have been broken, but that's okay. Perhaps they were too restrictive. If no one objects, I will add Denny's list to the first post and add a few more of my own.

Pictures are always welcome and new countries will be welcomed. Getting to two hundred countries with the original rules would take forever.

ullmandds 04-20-2017 06:51 PM

haha...the equivalent of someone uplifting the board throwing all the game pieces all over the place!!!! ha...ha!!!!!

frankbmd 04-20-2017 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1652692)
haha...the equivalent of someone uplifting the board throwing all the game pieces all over the place!!!! ha...ha!!!!!

Indeed, but Denny will get a participation trophy.;)

Michael B 04-20-2017 09:55 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Since Denny did have UAE and then listed Australia I will jump to there. Five time visitor to OZ. Married in North Sydney 10 years ago this last Thanksgiving.

First photo 2nd or 3rd trip in 2002. Second photo November, 2006

irishdenny 04-20-2017 11:46 PM

"My Sincere Apologies Frank",

I Certainly Didn't mean ta Knock Your Board Game All Ovar the Place.
I Simply Saw THaT You Added 3 Countries RiGHT Away
& THeN I JuST Got Carried Away...

And I Also Admit.. THaT I Didn't Fully Read Your Rules THiS Time Around,
Mostly Cause I Usually Nevar Completely Understand'em :)

Anyways Sir,
"Dankz Fir BailiN me Out Frankie!!!" :o

frankbmd 04-21-2017 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by irishdenny (Post 1652784)
"My Sincere Apologies Frank",

I Certainly Didn't mean ta Knock Your Board Game All Ovar the Place.
I Simply Saw THaT You Added 3 Countries RiGHT Away
& THeN I JuST Got Carried Away...

And I Also Admit.. THaT I Didn't Fully Read Your Rules THiS Time Around,
Mostly Cause I Usually Nevar Completely Understand'em :)

Anyways Sir,
"Dankz Fir BailiN me Out Frankie!!!" :o

Denny's contrite response is accepted, so we will continue with the original rules.
If you have been to Australia you may post country #5 next.

Corporal Lance Boil 04-21-2017 11:25 AM

Oh the places you'll go!
I've actually put way too much though into this. I can see there will have to be some strategy involved if we're going to make it, i.e. choosing a *really* difficult country will bog things down for awhile. I've been to one really difficult country, maybe two. Maybe 3 or 4 depending on your opinion.

But I have two questions:

1) Are we counting countries that are territories of other countries? Like does Greenland count, or do we consider it part of Denmark? Greenland will be a bitch if it stands alone.

2) Are we just doing fronts, or front-and-back combos (had to make a baseball card reference, right?)? That is to say does the USSR include all these little "Stan" countries that now exist, or are they separate?

I know, Frank, you will crystallize these muddy waters for me!


frankbmd 04-21-2017 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Corporal Lance Boil (Post 1652901)
I've actually put way too much though into this. I can see there will have to be some strategy involved if we're going to make it, i.e. choosing a *really* difficult country will bog things down for awhile. I've been to one really difficult country, maybe two. Maybe 3 or 4 depending on your opinion.

But I have two questions:

1) Are we counting countries that are territories of other countries? Like does Greenland count, or do we consider it part of Denmark? Greenland will be a bitch if it stands alone.

2) Are we just doing fronts, or front-and-back combos (had to make a baseball card reference, right?)? That is to say does the USSR include all these little "Stan" countries that now exist, or are they separate?

I know, Frank, you will crystallize these muddy waters for me!


Great questions Corporal Boil that I will try to clarify.

I have been to Denmark, but not to Greenland, but have a friend who has been to Greenland.

I have been to Georgia and to St Petersburg in one country, but have not been to Georgia and St. Petersburg in another country, although I have been to one of them in both countries, despite having not been to the third country.

I have also been inside the Berlin Wall, which technically belonged to neither East or West Germany, but have been to both after neither technically existed.

Hope this his helps.

Michael B 04-21-2017 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1652985)
Great questions Corporal Boil that I will try to clarify.

I have been to Denmark, but not to Greenland, but have a friend who has been to Greenland.

I have been to Georgia and to St Petersburg in one country, but have not been to Georgia and St. Petersburg in another country, although I have been to one of them in both countries, despite having not been to the third country.

I have also been inside the Berlin Wall, which technically belonged to neither East or West Germany, but have been to both after neither technically existed.

Hope this his helps.

Who's on first?

irishdenny 04-21-2017 04:09 PM

Ohhh Boy... Where's the Game Board Now?

And it certainly wasn't me this time around...
Howevar, I'm Gunna Take a Wild Guess:

Professor Plum Did it,
iN the Library,
Wit the Candlestick...


nat 04-21-2017 04:18 PM

I've been to Australia and I'll add Brazil. Next? (I've also been to both halves of germany, in case Frank's very confusing post counts.)

ullmandds 04-21-2017 04:37 PM

I've been to Brasil...albeit just for the day at Iguacu Falls...same day was in Uraguay.

So next country is Uraguay.

Frank...I dont think having a friend who visited greenland counts?

frankbmd 04-21-2017 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1653016)
I've been to Brasil...albeit just for the day at Iguacu Falls...same day was in Uraguay.

So next country is Uraguay.

Frank...I dont think having a friend who visited greenland counts?

Where the hell is Uraguay?

If you have been to a country you cannot spell, check your map before posting.:D

Griffins 04-21-2017 05:57 PM

I've been to Uruguay and also Argentina

Iquacu Falls, Brazil/Argentina

ullmandds 04-21-2017 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1653018)
Where the hell is Uraguay?

If you have been to a country you cannot spell, check your map before posting.:D

damn u frank!!! I'm sick...and I can't spell Uruguay!!!

ullmandds 04-21-2017 06:15 PM

I've also been to Argentina...same trip...last trip was to Egypt.

Bestdj777 04-21-2017 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1653045)
I've also been to Argentina...same trip...last trip was to Egypt.

Been to Egypt. Also spent some time in Austria and Hungary.

Griffins 04-21-2017 07:10 PM

Since the last one was 2 countries, I'll grab one.

Been to Austria, and to Cambodia

bnorth 04-21-2017 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Griffins (Post 1653065)
Since the last one was 2 countries, I'll grab one.

Been to Austria, and to Cambodia

Awesome picture, always wanted to go there but always went to Europe instead. Someday hopefully.

This thread needs many many more pictures.:)

ullmandds 04-21-2017 07:42 PM

been to austria and cambodia...I'll add bosnia!

Griffins 04-21-2017 09:05 PM

Someone needs to clue Jon Canfield onto this thread. He's an amazing photographer that is very well travelled.

Griffins 04-21-2017 09:06 PM

Ben, Cambodia is one of my favorite places in the world. do whatever you can to get there.

Paul S 04-22-2017 06:14 AM

Okay, since I've been to Bosnia (hi Pete) when it was part of the former Yugoslavia - I will toss my hat in the ring for what is now the Czech Republic, also in the same Iron Curtain timeframe. I was only in Prague and never made it to what is now Slovakia, so will leave that for someone else as per the "one man, one country at a time" rule.

Unfortunately I cannot post photographs since they reside at my ex-spouses place, where all men fear to tread:eek:

Also, how to handle Antarctica? Claimed by many and none at all...depending upon who is doing the talking.

frankbmd 04-22-2017 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 1653067)
Awesome picture, always wanted to go there but always went to Europe instead. Someday hopefully.

This thread needs many many more pictures.

Agree. If you took no photos in a country you visited, at least post a postcard if you have one.

Griffins 04-22-2017 07:03 PM

ok, bogged down in Czech. Someone has to have been there!

ullmandds 04-22-2017 07:08 PM

ive been to prague...just no pics to prove it as they are all too big for this site!!!!! But I have the sore feet to prove it...and I ate Carp!!!!

ullmandds 04-22-2017 07:08 PM

And I will add Jordan.

tedzan 04-22-2017 07:22 PM

The mystical Greek Island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea (Mediterranean)....the home of Atlantis.

Checked-out Net54 at an Internet café.


Paul S 04-23-2017 10:27 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1653330)
Agree. If you took no photos in a country you visited, at least post a postcard if you have one.

Until my house goes on the market next year and I can get my stuff out (photos included) this will have to suffice.

Griffins 04-23-2017 10:11 PM

No one else besides Ted has been to Greece? Didn't think we'd be stalled on a relatively easy one?

ullmandds 04-24-2017 06:45 AM

ive been to greece...but ted did not follow the rules...therefore I did not respond.

without rules...there's anarchy!

Paul S 04-24-2017 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1653792)
ive been to greece...but ted did not follow the rules...therefore I did not respond.

without rules...there's anarchy!

"The rules of a single madman are destiny to multitudes." As penance, Ted should donate his T-Bird to Frank's Auto Trade-Up thread.

Cmount76 04-24-2017 05:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Since Ted is donating his car to the ultimate trade up and Frank is accepting his donation and response of Greece... I have been to Greece. However, before I got there, I spent some quality time in Italy.

Corporal Lance Boil 04-24-2017 05:29 PM

The gordian knot
I think I know what has happened. Because Frank refused to oversee this thread in jack-booted style, it has been left somewhat open to interpretation.

Ted has simply assumed that because the Greeks, at the time of their utmost power, controlled a wide swath of Asia as well as the Helenistic world, that Jordan and Greece WERE the same country, as they were under the same control.

It's an understandable mistake, and I'm happy to first-assist Frank here;)


Corporal Lance Boil 04-24-2017 05:37 PM

Well in the time it took me to write that out someone moved things further, so I will continue this in the spirit of Frank's Yugo.

Italy > I'll go Iceland.

I also have no idea how to post a picture. I'm a luddite. But picture Lord-of-the-Rings geography and women who are supposed to be hot and blonde, but are not.


judsonhamlin 04-24-2017 06:12 PM

Just got back from Iceland myself. Definite LOTR scenery and wide open spaces between towns. So will see Iceland and raise you Spain. Spaghetti Western scenery and actual beautiful women - especially in Zamora for some reason...

frankbmd 04-24-2017 08:49 PM

From past experience, trust me, all rules are considered optional by Ted.

The same leniency will not be granted to others.

Where are the pictures?

Corporal Boil's assistance is appreciated to facilitate moving forward. My updates may be infrequent for several days, but the list in post #1 will be maintained.

frankbmd 04-24-2017 08:49 PM

Dupe erased.

Griffins 04-25-2017 12:47 AM

I've been to Spain, and then on to Morocco

tedzan 04-25-2017 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Corporal Lance Boil (Post 1654029)
I think I know what has happened. Because Frank refused to oversee this thread in jack-booted style, it has been left somewhat open to interpretation.

Ted has simply assumed that because the Greeks, at the time of their utmost power, controlled a wide swath of Asia as well as the Helenistic world, that Jordan and Greece WERE the same country, as they were under the same control.

It's an understandable mistake, and I'm happy to first-assist Frank here;)


Hey guys,

I did not violate Frank's "rules". And, Tony here has given us a history lesson.

2300 years ago, the Greeks occupied Asia Minor, of which Jordan was part of.

In fact, my parents were born in Asia Minor in the Greek town of Smyrna.


Corporal Lance Boil 04-25-2017 05:09 AM

I & i
Wow, Smyrna! I had to look that up. Now in Turkey, per Wikipedia.

Since we're on Morocco, which I have been to, I will swing it back "our way" and say Jamaica. I also vow to figure out how to scan, and post pictures. When I was in Jamaica, at age 14?15? I thought it would be cool to have my hair braided and those little beads put in them.

I'm not sure you want to see those pictures. Anyway, Jah Rastafari!

gregr2 04-25-2017 05:34 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Although Egypt has already been mentioned, someone stated this thread needed more pictures. These I took in Egypt in October 1980.

I'm the skinny kid on the horse.
Attachment 270704

Attachment 270705

Attachment 270706

Attachment 270707

frankbmd 04-25-2017 05:53 AM


first the USSR becoming the "Stan" brothers.

Then Greenland is really just Denmark without Copenhagen

Georgia used to be a state north of Florida, now it's a country north of Somalia.

Have you been to Yugoslavia? You thought so, but since it doesn't exist anymore you say you now have been to Croatia, before it even existed. Really???

And lest we not forget Denny went to Hawaii and thought it was a foreign country.:D

So if Jordan was part of Greece, how many countries were just Byzantine?

If I owe Ted an apology, it is offered.

Being the umpire in this game will continue until someone in the stands starts yelling, "Kill the Umo".:eek:

Paul S 04-25-2017 06:25 AM

Been To Jamaica
Have been to Canada, if they are still a country?:confused::D

bnorth 04-25-2017 07:06 AM

5 Attachment(s)
I have been to Canada. Went on a month long camping/fishing adventure. Been to the Netherlands many many times. I have a ton of pictures.

Pics in order are from.
Leiden-They have one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world.
Apeldoorn- Out front of the Apenheul Zoo. This place is awesome and has many animals roaming freely around the zoo.
Amsterdam Flower Market-Learned the hard way you can not buy loose bulbs and bring them back to the US.
Zandvoort-Mainly a German tourist destination with an amazing beach(clothing optional).
Last a picture of Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam. Stayed in a house boat behind in on one trip.

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