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aelefson 02-16-2013 06:20 AM

The Glory of Their Times Royalty Checks
2 Attachment(s)
I recently acquired the check scanned below. It is a royalty check for the book The Glory of Their Times and it is made out and signed by the author. The payee is Al Bridwell who signed it on the back.
Did all of these checks come out at a single auction? Or, were some sold at shows? Were these checks issued monthly? More or less frequently? Any other information regarding these would be great to read.
Please post them if you have them. I would enjoy seeing more of them.
Alan Elefson

RichardSimon 02-16-2013 06:45 AM

Alan - I had a few of these many years ago. I really don't recall how I got them.
There are also full page documents, which were signed by the players, which assign their royalties to a beneficiary in the event of their death.

Jay Wolt 02-16-2013 07:01 AM

Alan, great looking Bridwell royalty check.
I've gotten a bunch of the Ritter checks over the last dozen years or so, all from eBay.
Not sure how they initially originated.

Here's a trio that I've shown a few time on related "Glory" threads

aelefson 02-16-2013 07:07 AM

Thanks Jay and Richard. I got mine from a local longtime dealer but he could not remember where he got it. Jay, those checks are incredible!

mighty bombjack 02-16-2013 09:21 AM

Wow, these are great! Thanks for showing them, both of you.

Jay Wolt 02-16-2013 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by aelefson (Post 1089435)
Thanks Jay and Richard. I got mine from a local longtime dealer but he could not remember where he got it. Jay, those checks are incredible!

I just wish mine scan as nice as your Bridwell, its like night & day

CardsFan999 02-16-2013 09:41 AM

Great items -- I am enjoying looking at them.

"Glory" is by far my favorite baseball book. I have read hundreds
and also collect them, especially copies signed by former players.

"The Glory of Their Times" is my desert-island baseball book with none a close

byrone 02-16-2013 12:07 PM

Those royalties must have came in very handy for the old ballplayers. Seems like they received some pretty decent coin for their interviews. The book, which is a great read, must have sold well have paid such royalties.

jdmeltz 02-16-2013 03:43 PM

I remember Lawrence Ritter himself selling the checks and I think other assorted signed items. I'm pretty sure he had a small ad at some point in one of the hobby magazines (SCD perhaps?)

If I remember correctly, he would sell you a small selection of items, say 5 at a time, for a certain price.

Jay Wolt 02-16-2013 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by byrone (Post 1089612)
Those royalties must have came in very handy for the old ballplayers. Seems like they received some pretty decent coin for their interviews. The book, which is a great read, must have sold well have paid such royalties.

Yes indeed! There were no card shows and such for the old timers to cash in on like today. And many aging players were struggling financially.
Ritter was very generous to the players, he even bought Hans Lobert a color TV so Hans could watch the games in style.

pclpads 02-16-2013 04:08 PM

I'm assuming these were payback proceeds from the book's sales. So this may be a dumb a** question, but why was Roush paid $935 and Coveleski only $67?

CardsFan999 02-16-2013 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by pclpads (Post 1089752)
I'm assuming these were payback proceeds from the book's sales. So this may be a dumb a** question, but why was Roush paid $935 and Coveleski only $67?

Roush had a better agent. :D

mighty bombjack 02-16-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by pclpads (Post 1089752)
I'm assuming these were payback proceeds from the book's sales. So this may be a dumb a** question, but why was Roush paid $935 and Coveleski only $67?

If you notice the dates, the Coveleski check was written four years after the Roush. I'm guessing that each player received multiple rounds of checks as the royalties kept flowing to Ritter, and it would make sense that each round would be less money than the previous.

baseballart 02-16-2013 07:11 PM

Oh Glory

gnaz01 02-16-2013 07:23 PM

Max, that is some GORGEOUS stuff there!!! :eek:

mighty bombjack 02-16-2013 07:45 PM

Damn, Max, you always make me envious when you show these things from your collection. The autos on the cover of that book are incredible.

baseballart 02-16-2013 07:58 PM

Sadly Wayne the book is not in my collection but in close enough proximity so that I see it often enough to be envious

JimStinson 02-18-2013 07:12 PM

I was lucky enough to have known Larry Ritter , "Glory of Their Times" is my favorite baseball book too , He had called in response to one of my ads but can't remember if he was buying something or selling something , When he told me his name I almost fell out of my chair. He was very modest and a wonderful guy that seemed truly surprised that so many people loved his book.

We would speak a few times a year after that and when collectors found out I knew him they asked me if it would be OK to contact him and he was such a great guy he said "Give them my home phone number"

Those royalty checks are the result of the original promise he made to the former players that he would divide all royaties from the sale of the book equally among them and him with each including the author recieving an equal share. In many cases after the player died he continued to pay their estate. Quite a guy.

jimjim 02-19-2013 06:05 PM

Just bought the book. Can't wait for it to arrive!

Hankphenom 02-19-2013 10:21 PM

Be sure to pick up the audio set, too.

almostdone 02-21-2013 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Hankphenom (Post 1091852)
Be sure to pick up the audio set, too.


I just finished the audio of this book two days ago for the first time. To hear the stories from the voices of the men themselves is quite a treat. Simply amazing.

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