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Tedw9 10-08-2017 05:17 PM

Hooked on Vinyl (Again)
I recently rediscovered my love for vinyl records. I came across an old stereo from 1990 at Goodwill. It has a turntable, which works I was happy to find. So we dug out some of our old records...which sounded great.....except for the hissing and skips and such.

So I decided to replace some of those old worn out records with some nicer shape originals, some new stuff and what ever else I could find in decent condition on the cheap. After some research, I figured if I was going to do this, I may as well upgrade the stereo too. I was able to score a few different nice components, cheaply, so I spent the money on a new turntable. What a difference that made! Nice speakers, new turntable, nice receiver.....those old records sound so different now compared to when I was a kid. I “hear” so much more now, its like hearing a lot of them for the first time again. I just love the depth and warmth of vinyl so much more I’ve found. And records can be had cheap.....mostly.

Now being the collector I am, I’ve discovered test pressings. They can be cheap, they can be expensive. It seems that part of record collecting is the Wild West right now, with no rhyme or reason that I can see. Which is great, because I’m picking up pieces that I feel are undervalued. Even if they are not, they are classics which I love to listen to. And it appeals to the collector side of me to own a more rare item, kinda the best of both worlds for me. I listen to the regular record and collect the rare copies of said record.

I still buy cd’s and cassettes, listen to MP3’s, but nothing is as satisfying as listening to good old vinyl to me.

Anyone else back on the vinyl wagon?

bnorth 10-08-2017 05:28 PM

It has been about 10 years since i last used my record player. I have one of those really old Admiral Consoles and a huge stack of records.

Tedw9 10-08-2017 05:56 PM

I love those old consoles! They have such personality. We come across them now and then in our travels and always have to check them out when we find them. I’d love to own one, but I need a bigger house.

It had been probably 30+ years since I had last listened to vinyl. Now I listen to records more than anything else.

Stonepony 10-09-2017 06:32 AM

Last X mas I got my 14 yo son a vinyl player and a bunch of records. Kinda making him do a little of the throwback thing. He loves it. I'd like to get back into vinyl and break out my old albums...but doubt I will

ALR-bishop 10-09-2017 10:13 AM

I have a fairly large collection of 45 records from the 50s, 60s and 70s that I run through this at home

Tedw9 10-09-2017 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Stonepony (Post 1708681)
Last X mas I got my 14 yo son a vinyl player and a bunch of records. Kinda making him do a little of the throwback thing. He loves it. I'd like to get back into vinyl and break out my old albums...but doubt I will

That’s awesome to hear. Kids should at least give a try, good for you for putting him on that path. I know my daughter geeks out over some of the old stuff I have. I recently came across an old Kodak instant camera and she fell in love with it. Makes me happy to see the younger generation appreciating some of this stuff.

You should bust out a favorite record or two sometime, crank it up while your just puttering. Maybe the bug will bite you too.


Originally Posted by ALR-bishop (Post 1708730)
I have a fairly large collection of 45 records from the 50s, 60s and 70s that I run through this at home

WHOA!!! That is bad a$$!!!! Holy cow, that is sweet! Now that’s doing it in style. Does it sound as good as it looks? I know Wurlitzer is THE model. Love it!

You must love your music to have that beauty in your house.

barrysloate 10-11-2017 04:40 AM

I have approx. 500 albums, primarily jazz from the 1950's and 60's, and classic rock from the 60's. A great many of them I bought when they came out and I kept them for all these years, so condition is a bit mixed. Have some nice blues albums too.

And I have a really good turntable too, a Technics, so I still play them a few times a week. There is something about holding a record jacket that is special to me.

I don't buy too many albums anymore, but a few months ago I picked up on ebay The Yardbirds "Having a Rave Up." ( I know, you have no idea what that is). Records are great.

silvor 10-11-2017 05:51 PM

In the early 80's, record/music collecting made me put my baseball card collecting aside for 30 years. I had a TON of cool vinyl, but sold it off through the years. Some of that stuff is going for crazy prices now. I sure wish I kept it.

Luckily, my favorite band (Kiss) reissued their catalog on CD and did it properly and wasn't brickwalled. They actually used the LP masters as a reference, so the CD's are really good. So I never got back into vinyl. But, I did buy a new analog Onkyo recently and used my old Klipsch 2.2 speakers. Great combination IMO.

Tedw9 10-15-2017 08:13 AM

Barry, it nice to hear from someone who still has their collection AND still uses them. I wish I had kept mine, but I didn’t.

You’re right, there’s something about holding them. Like a book, it satisfies something within me. I’m not a big fan of ebooks either, I like to turn a page or turn the record over.

I know who the Yardbirds are, can’t say I know much more. :)

Silvor, I’m a big Kiss fan also. First record I put on when I got a record player was Destroyer. Had to hear Detroit Rock City and the car crash. :D It sounded even better than I remembered.

My wife dug out her albums which she had purchased at yard sales years back and gave me her Kiss albums. When I pulled out the Love Gun album, it was in great shape and had both the order form and unpunched gun and bang inside. I was geeked! I never find stuff that cool at yard sales.

I’m not surprised Kiss issued another set. There is no lack of choice when it comes to them! But it sounds like they got the master right, which is good to hear. If you’re going to put out rehashes, at least put out the best sound you can.

Nice to hear you’re back in the NY groove. ;)

Chris Counts 10-20-2017 01:22 PM

I've been all-in on digital music for years, but lately, I've had so many compatibility and reliability issues with my various devices, and I've become so frustrated with iTunes, that considering ditching all my MP3s and turning the clock back about a half century. I was recently admiring the various Crosley turntables, and I'm considering taking the plunge. Since I listen mostly to music from the '60s and '70s, I shouldn't have too much trouble finding the records I like.

58pinson 10-20-2017 04:42 PM


I always hesitate to send off advice on an internet forum. That said, all of the Crosley stuff I've seen is rubbish. Depending on what you intend to do you might consider a few possibilities.

If you want to go from a vinyl source to a digital file there are several ok usb turntables out there (Audio Technica I've been told makes a pretty good one) and while Crosley offers these units they are inferior and will make quick work of your vinyl. If you just want a turntable to play vinyl you are going to purchase there are lots of good ones out there, especially with the vinyl resurgence that has taken place over the last decade of so.

I guess the bottom line I'm driving at is that buying the software (vinyl) gets pricey, and it's usually a good idea to buy the best hardware you can afford up front.

Just my 2 cents from the peanut gallery.

Tedw9 10-20-2017 09:06 PM

I agree on getting the best you can afford. I did a lot of research trying to get the most bang for my buck. After a couple of weeks of reading I settled on an Audio Technicia AT-LP60 and I haven’t regretted it.

LuckyLarry 10-31-2017 07:09 AM

I have my records but no way to play them. I heard about this system cost is $600 and thoughts?

system specifics here:

Tedw9 10-31-2017 03:06 PM

Wow, thats a pretty sweet set up. And the whole plug and play makes it very user friendly. It gets good reviews and seems like it would be a really good no nonsense unit.

58pinson 10-31-2017 03:57 PM

The Klipsch company has been a high level audiophile producer (especially in the realm of speakers - the Klipsch horn corner standing unit can produce some of the most amazing bass notes I've ever heard) for a long, long time.

They've partnered with a turntable maker here and at $600 I can't see how you could go wrong if you are simply looking to play some vinyl you have had stashed away for a while.

Could I make one suggestion? Before you plunk down the 600 beaners check out your vinyl. Did you take care of them? It would be a downer I think to get all reved up and when you spin that first old disc be crushingly disappointed with a hiss, pop and scratch filled listening experience. Even investing several times the $600 in an audio system will not make the vinyl new again. Just a heads up.

Other than that I'd say the product is a pretty attractive unit, and like I said, in this day and age $600 is very reasonable.

LuckyLarry 11-13-2017 09:07 AM

I still haven't pulled the trigger on my record player but.....

I'm in Sweetwater Texas for a funeral and on my morning walk. It's 9AM and this antique store is opening up. I bought three LPs for $2.50 each, looking at the records they seem to be in fine shape.
Fun stuff!

Tedw9 11-13-2017 09:15 PM

Nice scores there Larry! I love when I can find good vinyl cheap.

I find collecting albums fun and a bit addicting. It’s kinda taking over for my sports collecting at the moment. I’m loving every second of it, learning and hunting.

My collection has grown quickly, because records can be had for cheap. So I found a great site which is a gold mine for information and for keeping track of what you own (plus a whole lot more). Check out Discogs if you haven’t already.

RichardSimon 11-15-2017 10:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
When I dug out my old vinyl a few years ago and bought a new turntable my daughter bought me this gift.
If you are a Van fan, or even if you are not, this is one great vinyl.

Michael B 11-15-2017 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by RichardSimon (Post 1720341)
When I dug out my old vinyl a few years ago and bought a new turntable my daughter bought me this gift.
If you are a Van fan, or even if you are not, this is one great vinyl.

And look at that band!! Pee Wee Ellis, long time member of James Brown's band. He wrote "In a Cold Sweat" and "Say it Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud". The late Pete Bardens formed a band in the 1960's called Shotgun Express which featured Rod Stewart, Peter Green and Mick Fleetwood. He would also record solo and as a member of Camel. Close with Fleetwood who credited him for kickstarting his musical career. Peter Van Hooke was in Mike + the Mechanics for ten years. Bobby Tench was a member of the Jeff Beck Group and Humble Pie.

Tedw9 11-16-2017 07:45 AM

Can’t say I’m a fan Richard, but its cool as hell your daughter purchased that for you. Sounds like she knows her Dad pretty well, which is awesome. Little gifts and connections like that with our kids, no matter their age, is priceless.

My daughter knows I’m back into vinyl, so I’m hoping for a record or two for Christmas.

RichardSimon 11-16-2017 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Tedw9 (Post 1720633)
Can’t say I’m a fan Richard, but its cool as hell your daughter purchased that for you. Sounds like she knows her Dad pretty well, which is awesome. Little gifts and connections like that with our kids, no matter their age, is priceless.

My daughter knows I’m back into vinyl, so I’m hoping for a record or two for Christmas.

She knows her dad very well.
And connections like that with her and similar ones with my son are priceless.
And tonite she and I are going to see Bruce Springsteen on Broadway.
She is the ticket whisperer :) and keeps getting very tough to get tickets.

RichardSimon 11-16-2017 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Michael B (Post 1720404)
And look at that band!! Pee Wee Ellis, long time member of James Brown's band. He wrote "In a Cold Sweat" and "Say it Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud". The late Pete Bardens formed a band in the 1960's called Shotgun Express which featured Rod Steward, Peter Green and Mick Fleetwood. He would also record solo and as a member of Camel. Close with Fleetwood who credited him for kickstarting his musical career. Peter Van Hooke was in Mike + the Mechanics for ten years. Bobby Tench was a member of the Jeff Beck Group and Humble Pie.

And do not forget Katie Kissoon on vocals. She has performed with Eric Clapton and many more.
There is a DVD of a Van Morrison concert in Montreaux which has some great moments with Pee Wee Ellis.

LuckyLarry 11-25-2017 06:09 AM

took about 45 minutes to set up!

Tedw9 11-25-2017 08:40 PM

Looks good! How does it sound to you?

Yesterday I went to my local record shop for Record Store Day and picked up the just released Queen We Are the Champions/We Will Rock You 12” single.

LuckyLarry 11-26-2017 07:20 AM

It sounds pretty great to me! I heard to get max performance and sound, I may need to add a subwoofer? It looks like this is set up to add a subwoofer if I want as there is a SUB OUT plug on the back of the powered speaker. But I really have no plans to add a subwoofer I am quite happy how it sounds.
I need to sit down and play with the included remote control as I can't seem to get it to work. Also I don't see "KLIPSCH" in my iPhone as a source to play through my new set up using bluetooth as I think was advertised. But I haven't really sat down to figure this all out as I have been to busy playing my records lol!
The only real problem I had was the turntable is turned by this exposed rubber band, and when changing records I knocked it off a few times. Not a real problem to put it back on, and I'm getting better at changing records without knocking off the rubber band.

I heard the record companies are re-releasing albums but I also hard they they are rushing some of these out and the quality is not as good as the originals?


Originally Posted by Tedw9 (Post 1723725)
Looks good! How does it sound to you?
Yesterday I went to my local record shop for Record Store Day and picked up the just released Queen We Are the Champions/We Will Rock You 12” single.

Tedw9 11-26-2017 09:23 PM

Do you need an app for to use your phone as a remote? I’m not familiar with them either, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You know, as long as your happy with the sound, thats all that matters. The whole exposed rubber belt doesn’t sound right though. Those are usually hidden below the table that holds the record.

Oh yes, rereleasing records is BIG right now. The sales of vinyl have gone up every year for the past 10 years. Black Friday was Record Store Day and they released a bunch of records at record stores, including rereleases. I saw a Doors live album available and I picked up a Queen We Are the Champions/We Will Rock You 12” single. Here’s a link to what was released for Record Store Day.

Ive purchased a few different rereleases and dont have any complaints. They are heavier, usually 180 gram, so I’d assume they hold up better. But Ive had no issues with quality or sound. But then again, Ive only got a few new records, most of mine are older originals.

My wife and I ran into our local Goodwill this morning and I scored a nice set of Bose speakers for $6. My stereo is a Frankenstein system but it sounds pretty sweet. Now it sounds just a little bit better. :D

58pinson 11-27-2017 08:29 AM

OK. I see the Woodstock albums arrayed in front of the setup. Have you listened to Grace Slick do her "morning maniac music, it's a new dawn" intro yet? Have to say Alvin Lee's "I'm Going Home" has always been my favorite track from on the set.

Your reference to a "rubber band" puzzles me a little. Assuming it's a belt driven turntable, but can't visualize how the drive belt can be disturbed when changing a disc. I'm going to look into it only to quiet my own curosity. Like Ted said, what's important is that you are enjoying it.

The new vinyl issues have been running hot and heavy for a few years now. As a vinyl collector since my early 20's who always took excellent care of stuff I thought I might be able to sell off my 1,000 album collection for a fair amount when the time came. But the market dynamic now is many (not all, as some collectors want original) folks will fork over $30 in a heartbeat for a 180 gram reissue and look at you like your Jesse James if you want $10 for the original.

Keep enjoying!

Michael B 11-27-2017 01:39 PM

For those of you interested in vinyl a company issuing new pressings. Henry Rollins (Black Flag, Rollins Band) is involved with them.

barrysloate 11-27-2017 05:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by 58pinson (Post 1724046)
OK. I see the Woodstock albums arrayed in front of the setup. Have you listened to Grace Slick do her "morning maniac music, it's a new dawn" intro yet? Have to say Alvin Lee's "I'm Going Home" has always been my favorite track from on the set.

Your reference to a "rubber band" puzzles me a little. Assuming it's a belt driven turntable, but can't visualize how the drive belt can be disturbed when changing a disc. I'm going to look into it only to quiet my own curosity. Like Ted said, what's important is that you are enjoying it.

The new vinyl issues have been running hot and heavy for a few years now. As a vinyl collector since my early 20's who always took excellent care of stuff I thought I might be able to sell off my 1,000 album collection for a fair amount when the time came. But the market dynamic now is many (not all, as some collectors want original) folks will fork over $30 in a heartbeat for a 180 gram reissue and look at you like your Jesse James if you want $10 for the original.

Keep enjoying!

There is clearly a line between rare albums, and ones in high demand such as the Beatles and Miles Davis, to name two, and the run-of-the-mill ones that collectors don't care about. Most albums clearly have no value and have long fallen out of favor. But show me a nice early pressing of a Miles Davis album with a six-eye Columbia label and I'll assure you you can sell it for good money. Some of the ones on ebay top $100. There is a strong collector market for the right product.

58pinson 11-27-2017 07:17 PM


Not a quibble with any of your points. My thought was that sans the re-issues, re-pressings, re-masterings etc. the market for selling original vinyl would be MUCH jucier.

Michael B 11-27-2017 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tedw9 (Post 1723725)
Looks good! How does it sound to you?

Yesterday I went to my local record shop for Record Store Day and picked up the just released Queen We Are the Champions/We Will Rock You 12” single.

I would say that the Black Friday Record Store Day releases may have been better than this years traditional Record Store Day which is held in April. Lots of good artists and albums - Turtles 66, Son Volt, Otis Redding Live, Raspberries, Procol Harum, Iggy Pop, Neil Young Harvest, Richard Hell & the Voidoids, John Lee Hooker, Doors Live, Sonny Rollins, Gram Parsons, Greg Lake I Believe in Father Christmas, Roger Taylor of Queen 10", Lou Reed and Kris Kristofferson at the Bottom Line.

I usually go in April, but I am not purchasing too much vinyl at the moment. The ones I buy in April I usually keep sealed. The 180g or 220g vinyl aka 'virgin vinyl' is great. It is similar to or the same vinyl used on the import pressings that we would purchase in the 1970's and early 1980's. Definitely superior sound. I worked at a college radio station and we would take a U.S. pressing and an import pressing of the same album go into a studio and play them. You would hear notes on the imports that you would not hear on the domestic pressings.

barrysloate 11-28-2017 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by 58pinson (Post 1724315)

Not a quibble with any of your points. My thought was that sans the re-issues, re-pressings, re-masterings etc. the market for selling original vinyl would be MUCH jucier.

Reissues have value because they are great for playing. You can listen to a whole album without a skip or a pop. I have a complete run of Rolling Stones albums from 1964-69, and I love them, but I bought all of them when they were issued. Fifty years of playing has taken a toll.:(

LuckyLarry 11-28-2017 05:22 AM

What ebay sellers of used vinyl should I purchase from?

58pinson 11-28-2017 08:11 AM


Just a suggestion not meant to steer you away from your inclinations, but I see you're in Florida. I think you should be able to locate a monthly record show somewhere not too far from you. A good one gives you the advantage of dealing face to face with vendors, developing a business relationship, and allows you to see with your own eyes what you are buying. Google up Second Saturday Record Show (it's in Wayne, NJ) just to give you an idea of what you might find at one near you. There are also brick and mortar stores which run the gamut from real good to not so much depending on where you are and what you want to pay.

I don't do ebay so can't recommend anyone. There is a fairly robust vinyl community on Youtube which you might want to look into (referring to themselves as the vc).

Good luck on the adventure!

LuckyLarry 12-03-2017 04:04 AM

Thanks for all the feedback and tips as I get into collecting records. Yesterday there was a baseball card show in the south part of town, and on the way home I stopped at our local flea market on the hunt for records.
As soon as I entered, a vendor was just stacking up a pile of LPs, he said $2 each with a discount if I bought more. Some were pretty beat up (I left those behind) but others looked to be in pretty fine shape. So I pulled out the best total 14 LPs and he took my offer of a $20 bill.

Jim Croce (Life and Times) looks new
Jim Croce (You Don’t Mess Around With Jim)
Beach Boys (Spirit of America) looks new
Janis Joplin (I got Dem ‘Ol Cosmic Blues Again Mama)
The Monkees (Meet The Monkees)
Creedence Clearwater (Revival)
CCR (Bayou Country)
Bread (The Best Of)
*bonus* Guitar Man LP also in there ?
Bob Dylan (Blond on Blond)
Bob Dylan (Another Side of Bob Dylan)
Grand Funk (Closer To Home)
America (Greatest Hits)
*For some reason I also pulled two Bill Cosby records (Revenge) and (i started out as a child)

After this I had to walk back out to my car to off load lol! I located a record dealer who was set up and talked awhile with him. All his LPs were neatly organized and in plastic covers. One of his customers came up and confirmed the seller was legit and said he was never disappointed in any of his purchases. All his records looked to be in fine shape. I bought two Rolling Stones LPs for $15 (Black and Blue) and (Its Only Rock and Roll), also a Foreigner record (head games) for $6 mint still original plastic with original sales sticker of $6.87
Then he had a 1/2 off stack and I bought all these for $14 total
John Denver (Windsong)
Carpenters (Close To You)
Carpenters (Carpenters)
Jackson Brown (Running on Empty)
The Moody Blues (In Search of the Lost Chord)
Stephen Stills (Manassas)

barrysloate 12-03-2017 04:41 AM

Larry- the two Dylan albums alone are probably worth more than $20 each. Nice score.

bdk1976 12-03-2017 10:25 AM

I've gotten back into vinyl over the past few years - a natural extension of my weekend estate sale adventures. I started picking up records a few years ago when I saw a bunch of good ones for 10 cents at a sale (including dylan, zepplin, the who, etc.). Since then I've picked up a decent selection (although there is decent competition for records at these sales), as well as the equipment to play them on.

Not top of the line stuff, but decent older stuff for pennies on the dollar. I have a mismatched stack of Sansui, Carver, Marantz, sony, fisher and Kenwood that I have put together out in the garage for less than $60 total and play through a nice big pair of sony speakers that I got for $5. To me - and my natural 'collecting' instinct- gathering this cool older equipment is nearly as much fun as listening to it!

I also picked up a rock-ola jukebox earlier this year that needs some work - hope to get to it this winter. Fun stuff!

58pinson 12-03-2017 10:56 AM

Congrats Larry! Keep enjoying the experience. Was just in the car this morning and heard a track from Blonde on Blonde. DJ mentioned that it was the first rock double album. I'd long forgotten that. My collection is weak on Dylan. Hope you scored a good copy. There are some to be found at flea markets, and then there are those that people ate potato salad off of it seems. Keep us posted as to the quality difference between the two sellers, if any.

Just a heads up (and I definitely don't want to sound like a know it all poser here) but you might want to get yourself a decent vinyl cleaning kit. There are plenty of options out there. You can go to a place like Bags Unlimited for a low cost item. I say that because you just picked up new hardware and it might be prudent to give any used albums a quick clean before you spin them.

Tedw9 12-03-2017 04:55 PM

Wow Larry, that’s one heck of a haul! Some great music at a good price. I wish we had dealers around here that offered prices like that. The only way I get deals like that is at Goodwill. At a local junk shop, one dealer had a Rod Stewart album for $20! Scratched up Beatles for $50-100. Ill pass thanks. :eek:

bdk1976, I’m the same way, I love my frankenstereo and finding nice high end older equipement cheaply appeals to me. I did splurge on a new turntable, but only because I couldn’t find a decent one used. Scored some Bose speakers a week ago for $6!

And I must second what 58pinson said about cleaning your records. You can get a cheap cleaner with a bottle of cleaning fluid on eBay for $10 or so delivered. And there are even better ones, starting at $50 or so and going up. Cleaning your records, new or used, makes a huge difference in sound and will save wear on your turntable.

2dueces 12-13-2017 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by RichardSimon (Post 1720341)
When I dug out my old vinyl a few years ago and bought a new turntable my daughter bought me this gift.
If you are a Van fan, or even if you are not, this is one great vinyl.

My favorite version of Comfortably Numb is Van in Berlin.
Truly epic. It is also on the sound track of the movie The Departed.

Side note. Levon Helm was also with them. For anyone who loved "The Band" it's a nice appearance of one of the great voices in music.

LuckyLarry 03-10-2018 12:43 PM

Last month I went back to the flea market and came up empty. But today I re-visited, and picked up a few LPs. The first vendor said $4 each and I picked three records which he let me have for $10.
CSN&Y "Deja Vu"
Jethro Tull "Aqualung"
Carol King "Music"
I was thumbing through a stack of LPs when another customer pointed me to a certain vendor where I purchased 8 records for $10. I did make a big rookie mistake as the KISS "Destroyer" record actually had one of the two KISS "ALIVE" records inside. I pulled the record out to examine it, but failed to notice it was the wrong KISS album lol.
Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour" (even had the color booklet inside)
Cheech & Chong "Los Cochines"
Chicago "Greatest Hits" (new in shrink wrap)
soundtrack "Saturday Night Fever"
The Who "Who Are You"
Stevie Wonder "Songs In The Key Of Life"
KISS "Destroyer" (wrong LP inside)
KISS "Alive II"
I found another booth the records were $5 each but these seemed to be in nicer shape. But I had my hands full and made a trip out to my vehicle to unload previous purchases. I make my way back to this vendor and start to pull a few records out, when the guy told me that all the records were sold. Later I see all the records behind his booth with a guy going through them I chatted him up a bit, and find out he's a dealer and he had agreed to purchase 100 albums at a discounted price I did not find out what kind of a deal he got.
It's fun going to antique malls and flea markets with something to look for. I'm certainly not finding any vintage baseball cards lol!

PowderedH2O 03-12-2018 08:28 PM

I had about 1000 albums. I sold most of them a few years ago. They took up so much space. I have several hundred singles still. Most are from the 60's. I recently bought a little stereo for about $30 from Wal-Mart and it plays just fine. Is it as good as the system I had in the 80's with the giant speakers? Nope. But, I can't hear worth a crap anymore anyway, so what's the difference?

LuckyLarry 09-22-2018 12:18 PM

I'm still picking up records when I see them. Today at the Flea Market I picked up 28 records for $40 (about $1.50 each). Low grade records that I remember from back in the day. Mamas and Papas, Bad Company, Chicago, Elton John, Beach Boys etc etc. I also remember owning this crazy record by "David Peel and the lower east side"

Then from another dealer who actually had his records organized, Beatles "Revolver" and two Cheech and Chong records for $20.

herbc 09-22-2018 08:02 PM

You guys always motivate me....
After reading this thread, I pulled out a large bundled stack of old albums. They had been bundled and ignored for a few decades. There use to be more, but I don’t know what happened to them. I haven't bought an album since the 70's, nor have I owned a turntable. Just haven’t thought about these albums until today.

I began looking through the stack. The first three albums I'd ever purchased back in 66 were there. I began reminiscing, when, what, where, as I went through them. There were also few in the stack, I didn’t remember owning.

I started cleaning each record, repairing sleeves, and jackets; contemplating purchasing a turntable, and how I would set it all up. My mind then wondered back to my three, or four other active projects. Another project! I don’t think so.

My Albums have been re-bundled nicely, and pushed to the side for another day, or maybe decade.;)

philliesfan 10-16-2018 07:38 PM

My brother was a mobile disc jockey in the 1980's (and still is on occasion) and still has all of his records. He must have about 60 milk crates full of albums.

He was an Elton John fan and has every LP album and single 45's along with many bootleg albums.


caramelcard 10-17-2018 06:45 PM

I use to mainly collect vintage cards and have always collected a bit of vinyl, but over the last several years I've actually stepped back from cards and I collect vinyl primarily. To say I have too many is an understatement, but it's a fun hobby.

I'm active in collecting most genres, but I'm mostly interested in 50s/60s jazz.

I've collected many different things over the years, but I especially enjoy the fact that you're able to actually use (listen to) records rather than just stash them away somewhere as I do with my cards.

Leon 10-19-2018 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by PowderedH2O (Post 1756983)
I had about 1000 albums. I sold most of them a few years ago. They took up so much space. I have several hundred singles still. Most are from the 60's. I recently bought a little stereo for about $30 from Wal-Mart and it plays just fine. Is it as good as the system I had in the 80's with the giant speakers? Nope. But, I can't hear worth a crap anymore anyway, so what's the difference?

A lot of us can relate to having stacks of albums in a closet or chest somewhere. I know I do. One of these days I might get me a cheap turntable also. And a lot of us can also relate to not hearing very well anymore. I remember a many a small/medium/large concerts where my goal was to get as close to a large speaker (sometimes I could actually touch them I was so close) as i could. That was about 35-40 yrs ago and I am not sure hearing is ever the same after those kinds of escapades. It was a lot of fun though.

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