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bnorth 12-16-2022 05:13 PM

Weather at your house
1 Attachment(s)
I took this picture a couple hours ago. We have had 4 days of crap weather. Today wasn't bad just 30 mph winds. The previous 2 days was blizzard conditions with 30+ mph wind with 50+ mph gusts. Gotta love that sideways snow. Then luckily the day before that it was mostly rain and slush or we would have gotten a lot more snow.

Looks like it might be a day or 2 before we can grill and use the picnic table. It is a warm 15 out now. The next 7 days will have double digit below zero lows. Highs will vary between 9 to -10 for those 7 days.

What is it like at your house?

G1911 12-16-2022 11:22 PM

It was in the 40's F this morning, which is cold here, so I had to turn on the fire pit while I worked in the yard :D

Mark17 12-17-2022 01:43 AM

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This. And next week, single digit temps are forecast.

G1911 12-17-2022 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Mark17 (Post 2294945)
This. And next week, single digit temps are forecast.

On the plus side, that's a beautiful view.

mrreality68 12-17-2022 05:17 AM

Looks beautiful.

My neighbor is just wet and windy and overcast so nothing to take a picture of.

pawpawdiv9 12-17-2022 11:49 AM

looks like we (might) get a wintry mix down here in the South- Georgia by Friday!!!
It gonna be damn cold for sure in the teens

icurnmedic 12-18-2022 10:54 PM

I guess I need to quit whining about 35 degrees in NC.
Bless you northerners !

jimmer77 12-19-2022 04:47 PM

I don't have any pics, nor would I know how to post some (would like to learn how), but where I am in Central WI, it looks very similar to the above pic a couple of posts up. We are expecting more snow late in the week, up to a foot...not to mention the sub zero temps.

steve B 12-20-2022 07:54 AM

30's - 40s here, lows maybe in the 20's. Yesterday was 40, but oddly felt a bit raw like it was going to snow, but it didn't.

Cliff Bowman 12-20-2022 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by pawpawdiv9 (Post 2295087)
looks like we (might) get a wintry mix down here in the South- Georgia by Friday!!!
It gonna be damn cold for sure in the teens

I usually don't go to my Mom's place in central Florida until the New Years weekend but I am gone this Thursday to get away from this.

Rad_Hazard 12-20-2022 02:08 PM

It's freezing here with tons of snow. Supposed to be -25F on Thursday with a heavy duty winter storm coming through.

Counting the days to when I get to move to Arizona...

GasHouseGang 12-20-2022 04:09 PM

Mid 60's today and it's supposed to be 80 degrees by Christmas. Hohoho!

bnorth 12-20-2022 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rad_Hazard (Post 2296081)
It's freezing here with tons of snow. Supposed to be -25F on Thursday with a heavy duty winter storm coming through.

Counting the days to when I get to move to Arizona...

Luckily only cold and windy here. I did shovel a path to the grill today so I can grill steaks in a few minutes.:)

Thu 22 -6°/-11° Mostly Cloudy/Wind NW 25 mph

Fri 23 -7°/-21° Partly Cloudy/Wind NW 24 mph

I am waiting to move to the Oregon coast. Rain beats below zero every day. I wish that housing crash would hurry up and get here. Ocean front property is priced as ridiculous as cards now.

nebboy 12-20-2022 06:05 PM

Schools cancelled already for Wednesday wind chile expected to be as much as -50 Thursday night degrees. Burrrrrrrrrrrrr

commishbob 12-20-2022 06:12 PM

In the low 50s here tonight in SE Texas. Sunshine broke through the clouds today which was nice for a change. Supposed to drop to 18/20 Thursday night into Friday, aka a 'hard' freeze. I'm hoping the corrupt azz clowns who run the Texas power grid are not lying about being able to avoid blackouts like we suffered a couple of winters back. My generator is primed and ready.

irv 12-20-2022 07:28 PM

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Supposed to get ugly here starting Thursday. +4c (32f) Thurs/Fri with rain transitioning to freezing rain then snow with some high winds. On Saturday they are warning about a flash freeze with temps plummeting to -5c (23f) with more snow and high winds.
Pics, supposedly, from the I-94 in North Dakota taken recently?

bnorth 12-20-2022 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2296169)
Supposed to get ugly here starting Thursday. +4c (32f) Thurs/Fri with rain transitioning to freezing rain then snow with some high winds. On Saturday they are warning about a flash freeze with temps plummeting to -5c (23f) with more snow and high winds.
Pics, supposedly, from the I-94 in North Dakota taken recently?

Hope it turns from rain to snow quickly so you get very little freezing rain.:)

irv 12-20-2022 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2296172)
Hope it turns from rain to snow quickly so you get very little freezing rain.:)

Thanks Ben. :)
Freezing rain sucks for sure, especially when we receive a fair amount of it.
I don't mind the snow as I snowmobile so I'll take it even though my major riding area was hit with a bad derecho this past summer.
Numerous, and I mean numerous trees are still down with some broken off way up that are unreachable.

Leon 12-21-2022 06:43 AM

It's going to be 9 degrees in Dallas tomorrow. Two days of less than freezing temperatures and no higher. Kind of cold for us. That means emergency weather plans for the dogs. Five get put in the garage with a heater and the other 4 will be inside. Not a super fun situation. Goes with the territory.

irv 12-21-2022 07:03 AM

Our weather forecast has changed once again, and will likely change another 6 times by the time it actually gets here?
Anyone know when this global warming thing is suppose to happen? I mean it's been over 34 yrs now and still nothing, or is this extreme, record breaking cold and snow in places all because of global warming like they say? :rolleyes:

butchie_t 12-21-2022 07:12 AM

It is gonna be in the 60s today and throughout the rest of the week. Yeah, I'm freaking liking that much more than teens and snow. Overnight lows in the 30s......I can deal with this.



bnorth 12-21-2022 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2296251)
Our weather forecast has changed once again, and will likely change another 6 times by the time it actually gets here?
Anyone know when this global warming thing is suppose to happen? I mean it's been over 34 yrs now and still nothing, or is this extreme, record breaking cold and snow in places all because of global warming like they say? :rolleyes:

As long as you don't get the freezing rain. We got a day of it before the snow. The line was just above us for just snow. Get even 30 miles north and it looks like the pic you posted of North Dakota. It rained here for a whole day first. Luckily we just have a skating rink to drive on after they removed the foot+ of snow. We have above ground power everyplace and freezing rain that sticks to the power lines can cause wide spread power outages for days and even weeks for rural people.

I had the generator ready just in case. Last time we didn't have power for 5 days. It really sucks to lose power in nice weather. During several days of a severe winter storm with below zero temps is way worse.

Stay warm everyone.:)

irv 12-21-2022 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2296258)
As long as you don't get the freezing rain. We got a day of it before the snow. The line was just above us for just snow. Get even 30 miles north and it looks like the pic you posted of North Dakota. It rained here for a whole day first. Luckily we just have a skating rink to drive on after they removed the foot+ of snow. We have above ground power everyplace and freezing rain that sticks to the power lines can cause wide spread power outages for days and even weeks for rural people.

I had the generator ready just in case. Last time we didn't have power for 5 days. It really sucks to lose power in nice weather. During several days of a severe winter storm with below zero temps is way worse.

Stay warm everyone.:)

The threat of freezing rain has now been removed even though I don't understand how we can go from +3-4 with rain to -4-5 with snow without freezing rain happening in between?
There is currently no snow amount we are supposed to get, just snow is all and no amount of rain either? :confused:
Warnings all over the place like climate Armageddon is imminent.

bnorth 12-21-2022 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2296261)
The threat of freezing rain has now been removed even though I don't understand how we can go from +3-4 with rain to -4-5 with snow without freezing rain happening in between?
There is currently no snow amount we are supposed to get, just snow is all and no amount of rain either? :confused:
Warnings all over the place like climate Armageddon is imminent.

Yes those darn weather people are sadly like most others. They make a guess and afterwards get to see how close they got. I like it when they predict bad weather and it ends up being a nice day.

JustinD 12-21-2022 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 2296247)
It's going to be 9 degrees in Dallas tomorrow. Two days of less than freezing temperatures and no higher. Kind of cold for us. That means emergency weather plans for the dogs. Five get put in the garage with a heater and the other 4 will be inside. Not a super fun situation. Goes with the territory.

Well, getting blizzard warnings for Detroit. Freezing rain Thursday, turning to snow about 2 am Friday through Sunday.

Started working for one of the big two mortgage GSE Investors this year with a home office in Plano and I almost have her talked into Southlake in the coming few years. Don't ruin it for me Leon. :)

My only issue will be looking for a Detroit sports bar in Dallas for us expats, lol.

irv 12-21-2022 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2296288)
Yes those darn weather people are sadly like most others. They make a guess and afterwards get to see how close they got. I like it when they predict bad weather and it ends up being a nice day.

Well, sounds like Wisconsin is going to get the worst of it according to Frankie, but all should heed his advice just the same. :D

Rad_Hazard 12-21-2022 12:49 PM

Just had to use 2 extension cords and a hair dryer to unfreeze the lock on my mail receptacle. Got that beautiful T206 Duffy Polar Bear out of there though. I don't think it minded the weather though, Polar Bears are pretty resilient in the cold.

GasHouseGang 12-21-2022 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2296251)
Our weather forecast has changed once again, and will likely change another 6 times by the time it actually gets here?
Anyone know when this global warming thing is suppose to happen? I mean it's been over 34 yrs now and still nothing, or is this extreme, record breaking cold and snow in places all because of global warming like they say? :rolleyes:

Haven't you heard? Now it's called "climate change" instead of "global warming". It's hard to tell people sitting in a blizzard that it's because of global warming. Climate change can be used to explain any type of weather. ;)

Snapolit1 12-21-2022 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by GasHouseGang (Post 2296338)
Haven't you heard? Now it's called "climate change" instead of "global warming". It's hard to tell people sitting in a blizzard that it's because of global warming. Climate change can be used to explain any type of weather. ;)

A warmer planet actually leads to more snow (and rain) . . .but that's waaaay too complicated for most people to wrap their heads around. Or to care to try to understand. It's cool living in a country where basic scientific illiteracy is a badge of honor.

todeen 12-21-2022 01:30 PM

In Spokane WA, we have had snow on the ground for 6 weeks, temps have not risen above freezing. I waited to long to put Christmas lights up. We got an additional 3 inches yesterday, and today temps are 10 degrees with negative temps overnight.

Sent from my SM-G9900 using Tapatalk

bnorth 12-21-2022 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2296314)
Well, sounds like Wisconsin is going to get the worst of it according to Frankie, but all should heed his advice just the same. :D

Emailing with a friend and fellow member in Wisconsin now and before I read this he told me they are about to get hit. So whoever Frankie is they are correct.

ullmandds 12-21-2022 02:20 PM

You’re in St. Paul we had may be five or 6 inches already on the ground and single digit temperatures. The blizzard arrive this morning added maybe three or 4 inches it’s quite windy and cold. Supposed to continue until maybe Friday with the winds picking up tomorrow.

gonefishin 12-21-2022 02:40 PM

Here is the good and bad about living in San Diego county:

Good: - the weather is great - mid 60s during the day and 40s at night.

Bad: - Got this month's electric bill - 500+

Rad_Hazard 12-21-2022 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by gonefishin (Post 2296364)
Here is the good and bad about living in San Diego county:

Good: - the weather is great - mid 60s during the day and 40s at night.

Bad: - Got this month's electric bill - 500+

If it's that temp during the day and at night how is the electric bill that high? You wouldn't need heat or AC in that kind of weather.

gonefishin 12-21-2022 03:57 PM

Sounds strange but you do. Visitors from out of state will come (WI, KS, etc.) and complain about how cold it is - even when the temperature is in the mid-40s!

The rates and taxes are crazy. It's a tiered billing system. The more you use, the higher the unit rate. It starts off high and goes into the hemisphere from there.

Electricity is second only to water and property taxes.

If you excluded heating and air, then you could knock that baby down to around 2-3 hundred I'm guessing.

gonefishin 12-21-2022 04:00 PM

Oh, I forgot add the price of gasoline.

The rest of the United States is mainly around 3 bucks or so and we are still at around $4.50 average.

I just can't seem to figure that one out either.

irv 12-21-2022 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by GasHouseGang (Post 2296338)
Haven't you heard? Now it's called "climate change" instead of "global warming". It's hard to tell people sitting in a blizzard that it's because of global warming. Climate change can be used to explain any type of weather. ;)

Yes, yes, you're right. My bad. It went from global warming to climate change when the earth was no longer co-operating. I forgot about that.
From what I hear now, it has gone from climate change to a climate crisis now!!! :eek:
We are doomed I tell you. Record breaking cold around the world but some actually believe that is caused by global warming, er, I mean the climate crisis. :rolleyes:
I wish someone, who wasn't so high on their horse, would try to explain that to us illiterate peon's but I'm sure it's not worth their effort if all we are going to do is laugh at what some people will actually believe today.

jiw98 12-21-2022 09:01 PM

I have around a foot of snow currently. Starting Thursday evening it's supposed to start snowing with windy conditions. Over the weekend the forecast is for 1-2 feet of snow, temps in the teens, and winds at 30 mph with gusts to +50 mph. It will be a good time to stoke up the fireplace and watch it snow and blow.

Mark17 12-21-2022 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Snapolit1 (Post 2296347)
A warmer planet actually leads to more snow (and rain) . . .but that's waaaay too complicated for most people to wrap their heads around. Or to care to try to understand. It's cool living in a country where basic scientific illiteracy is a badge of honor.

So, how is it that our current high level of precipitation is accompanied by sub zero temperatures?

How about this: climate has always changed. Always has, always will. Only fools would try to stop it from changing.

bnorth 12-22-2022 09:39 AM

The snow is welcome here as we have had a couple years of drought. I never even had to start the snowblower last year. Not so sure about the -19 with -47 real feel now. On the bright side it is supposed to warm up to a balmy -7 today.

On a really bad note the darn wind blew my path to the grill back in with snow.:(

irv 12-22-2022 09:59 AM

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Originally Posted by Mark17 (Post 2296500)
So, how is it that our current high level of precipitation is accompanied by sub zero temperatures?

How about this: climate has always changed. Always has, always will. Only fools would try to stop it from changing.

Remember when they said all glaciers would be gone by the mid 2000's? Remember when they said snow and cold weather would also be gone due to global warming and if we didn't act now, the planet, as we know it, would perish?

Well, because that didn't work out so well for them, they've now changed it to, "Because of Global Warming/The Climate Crisis" we are now seeing record breaking cold and snow.
And, instead of some people waking up, seeing/recognizing the insanity of that, they just jump onboard, without giving it a second thought, and follow right along with the "new" spun up narrative. :(
This is so like covid and the vaccines where those once revered scientists and climatologists, who don't toe the line, are shamed, shunned and kicked to the curb, it's not even funny.
Again, what party is pushing both? It seems, or at least it does to me, the more this one party and their funded media lies to them, the more lies they want.
Little do people recognize that the more their party brainwashes them, the more votes and money it guarantees them too.
It also bothers me immensely, makes me angry, what this climate crisis scam is doing to our youth. Numerous kids, and some adults, are suffering with climate anxiety and depression with some even committing suicide thinking they have nothing to live for.
As Joseph Goebbels said, if you tell a lie once, no one will believe it but if you repeat it, say it over and over again, it becomes the truth. Our former environment minister, in her drunken stupor, is on video saying exactly the same thing but it's amazing how little media coverage that story received.

Mark17 12-22-2022 11:08 AM

What annoys me is how otherwise intelligent people are either too lazy or too gullible to think for themselves and use just a tiny bit of common sense.

I live in Minnesota, where it routinely drops below freezing in winter and tops 100 degrees sometime during summer. That's a 100 degree change over about 6 months. Life survives. Yet, a one or two degree change spread over 100 years is supposed to be disastrous?

Carbon dioxide, a naturally occurring form of carbon in a carbon-based world, is required for all plant life (trees, grass, plants, vegetables, algae, etc.) Yet it comprises just one half of one tenth of one percent of the atmosphere. That means, for every 2,500 parts in the atmosphere, only ONE is CO2. And that is supposed to be too much, to the point of trapping heat and causing calamity?

People need to think just a little bit.

bnorth 12-22-2022 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mark17 (Post 2296623)
What annoys me is how otherwise intelligent people are either too lazy or too gullible to think for themselves and use just a tiny bit of common sense.

I live in Minnesota, where it routinely drops below freezing in winter and tops 100 degrees sometime during summer. That's a 100 degree change over about 6 months. Life survives. Yet, a one or two degree change spread over 100 years is supposed to be disastrous?

Carbon dioxide, a naturally occurring form of carbon in a carbon-based world, is required for all plant life (trees, grass, plants, vegetables, algae, etc.) Yet it comprises just one half of one tenth of one percent of the atmosphere. That means, for every 2,500 parts in the atmosphere, only ONE is CO2. And that is supposed to be too much, to the point of trapping heat and causing calamity?

People need to think just a little bit.

Just for fun I had to look it up.

Minnesota Hottest day on record is 115 F Coldest day on record -60 F 175 degree difference.

South Dakota Hottest day on record is 120 F Coldest day on record -58 F 178 degree difference.

Seems like we get some extremes at both places.

irv 12-22-2022 12:41 PM

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Originally Posted by Mark17 (Post 2296623)
What annoys me is how otherwise intelligent people are either too lazy or too gullible to think for themselves and use just a tiny bit of common sense.

I live in Minnesota, where it routinely drops below freezing in winter and tops 100 degrees sometime during summer. That's a 100 degree change over about 6 months. Life survives. Yet, a one or two degree change spread over 100 years is supposed to be disastrous?

Carbon dioxide, a naturally occurring form of carbon in a carbon-based world, is required for all plant life (trees, grass, plants, vegetables, algae, etc.) Yet it comprises just one half of one tenth of one percent of the atmosphere. That means, for every 2,500 parts in the atmosphere, only ONE is CO2. And that is supposed to be too much, to the point of trapping heat and causing calamity?

People need to think just a little bit.

There was a vid of a CBC journalist talking about how CBC told her "We don't want people thinking for themselves, we want them to believe everything we tell them" when she wanted to talk about/air all the adverse affects/vaccine injuries that were happening but the CBC refused.
She ended up quitting do to that as she didn't like their controlling/biased/brainwashing attitude and their media coverage regarding that.
Of course that vid has now been removed and is nowhere to be found so I'm thankful I was able to watch it before it was.
The thing is people can't connect the dots and see that Trudeau funded them 675 million dollars of our tax payer money but they still think the CBC isn't biased/favors Trudeau and the Liberals.


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2296645)
Just for fun I had to look it up.

Minnesota Hottest day on record is 115 F Coldest day on record -60 F 175 degree difference.

South Dakota Hottest day on record is 120 F Coldest day on record -58 F 178 degree difference.

Seems like we get some extremes at both places.

Did you notice some of those dates, Ben? 1899, 1915, 1925, 1905, 1936, 1913, 1916, etc. I'm sure if one were to look, they'd easily find many articles debunking these dates and debunking the science/temperature taking techniques back then.
Many articles, science data from years ago has now been deleted and many others that haven't been, are very difficult to find/look up anymore. I wonder why they would do that? :rolleyes:

Carter08 12-22-2022 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Snapolit1 (Post 2296347)
A warmer planet actually leads to more snow (and rain) . . .but that's waaaay too complicated for most people to wrap their heads around. Or to care to try to understand. It's cool living in a country where basic scientific illiteracy is a badge of honor.

Nail, hammer, head.

bnorth 12-22-2022 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2296656)

Did you notice some of those dates, Ben? 1899, 1915, 1925, 1905, 1936, 1913, 1916, etc. I'm sure if one were to look, they'd easily find many articles debunking these dates and debunking the science/temperature taking techniques back then.
Many articles, science data from years ago has now been deleted and many others that haven't been, are very difficult to find/look up anymore. I wonder why they would do that? :rolleyes:

Seriously everyone can we please keep the silliness out of this thread?

Carter08 12-22-2022 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2296678)
Seriously everyone can we please keep the silliness out of this thread?

Ha, good luck with that!

BobbyStrawberry 12-22-2022 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2296678)
Seriously everyone can we please keep the silliness out of this thread?

"Silliness" is a very nice way to put it.

Mark17 12-22-2022 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2296645)
Just for fun I had to look it up.

Minnesota Hottest day on record is 115 F Coldest day on record -60 F 175 degree difference.

South Dakota Hottest day on record is 120 F Coldest day on record -58 F 178 degree difference.

Seems like we get some extremes at both places.

I don't think it is controversial, or easily dismissed, that huge glaciers pushed south through the northern 2/3 of Minnesota about 10,000 years ago, carving out most of our 13,000 +/- lakes. Imagine how huge those ice sheets must've been, not just across, but thick and heavy enough to gouge big lake basins. Imagine how much ice expansion had to happen for these huge glaciers to move hundreds of miles, slowly changing the landscape.

And then imagine how extremely cold it must've been, even in summer, for those glaciers to continue to grow and expand, rather than melting away. And not just for one or two years, but probably hundreds if not thousands of years or more.

Now the thought of temps rising one or two degrees over the next 100 years throws some people into a panic.

Carter08 12-22-2022 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mark17 (Post 2296738)
I don't think it is controversial, or easily dismissed, that huge glaciers pushed south through the northern 2/3 of Minnesota about 10,000 years ago, carving out most of our 13,000 +/- lakes. Imagine how huge those ice sheets must've been, not just across, but thick and heavy enough to gouge big lake basins. Imagine how much ice expansion had to happen for these huge glaciers to move hundreds of miles, slowly changing the landscape.

And then imagine how extremely cold it must've been, even in summer, for those glaciers to continue to grow and expand, rather than melting away. And not just for one or two years, but probably hundreds if not thousands of years or more.

Now the thought of temps rising one or two degrees over the next 100 years throws some people into a panic.

Looks like you’ve spent your life studying this. Great conclusion you’ve reached through those rigorous studies.

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