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ullmandds 01-30-2015 06:34 AM

Hernia...or pulled muscle?
Guys...slightly OT here...I was lifting weights last sunday...doing bicep curls with heavy weights...and I was "jerking" the weight up to do negatives. After my workout I noticed pain around my midsection that has gotten pretty bad.

My symptoms are as follows:

pain breathing lower rt lower abdomen/rt side

pain on movement

pain on pooping

pain w/coughing

Basically I have symptoms of a hernia...and/or a pulled abdominal muscle I suppose. No noticeable bulges.

It's a deep I can't tell if its back or front.

Surely some of you/us have experience with similar injuries.

Any help??

frankbmd 01-30-2015 08:02 AM

Peter, my finger isn't long enough to answer your question.;)

barrysloate 01-30-2015 08:05 AM

Maybe you should see a doctor. He would know better than we would.

Leon 01-30-2015 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 1373563)
Maybe you should see a doctor. He would know better than we would.

I usually wait a day or two and then make a decision. I have rarely gone to a doctor for that kind of injury but if it was bad and didn't go away I would. Sounds like it's probably a doctors appt to me, but probably just a bad strain. Good luck Pete..

Econteachert205 01-30-2015 08:41 AM

I had abdominal hernia surgery a year and a half ago. Had similar symptoms, but scans did not show obvious hernia. If there is no telltale bulge where muscle has torn, the doctors have to go in and look for it. My surgery was supposed to take 1/2 hour with 1-2 month recovery time. It took 3 hours and 1 year to fully recover. Unless it's an obvious tear (and the doc will know) avoid the surgery if possible. Just my opinion.

ullmandds 01-30-2015 08:41 AM

thanks guys...except Frank...this happened last monday and doesn't seem to be getting I guess its off to urgent care later today!

barrysloate 01-30-2015 08:42 AM

I had hernia surgery about six years ago. My doctor said it was nothing surgery, and not to worry. But while he wasn't worrying, I was in a ton of pain from the incision. Try to avoid going under the knife if possible.

ullmandds 01-30-2015 09:47 AM

thx barry...a coworkers hubby just had double hernia surgery...he seems to be doing ok...hopefully you will not ever need that again. I'm pulling for a pulled muscle at this time!!!!

Peter_Spaeth 01-30-2015 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1373586)
thanks guys...except Frank...this happened last monday and doesn't seem to be getting I guess its off to urgent care later today!

I think Frank is trying to say to you that it would be irresponsible of him to try to diagnose you on the internet.

pariah1107 01-30-2015 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1373628)
thx barry...a coworkers hubby just had double hernia surgery...he seems to be doing ok...hopefully you will not ever need that again. I'm pulling for a pulled muscle at this time!!!!

Pete, I am not a doctor but have suffered from two hernias; a double inguinal hernia and a sports hernia. The first was easy to diagnose as there was a bulge in my groin that appeared a few days after the injury occurred. The bulge was hardly noticeable at first, and would "disappear" after I laid down at night, but reappear during daily activities. The biggest problem was when I laid flat on my back, I did not have the strength to lift even one leg off the ground, without severe discomfort. This required surgery, the procedure was an hour and I walked out of the hospital 4-5 hours later. Granted I was 29; recovery took 6-8 weeks, and the Kevlar mesh and screws they insert took time to get used to. I have been trouble free since the surgery in 2001.

IMO the sports hernia was worse, it was located in the abdomen, caused a lot of pain, and symptoms that were more like a bowel obstruction. No bulge, but far more pain than the inguinal hernia, probably because it was located in the core. I'd immediately stop the heavy lifting if there are any questions, and you know the routine, if pain persists or is accompanied by nausea/fever (which should not occur with just a pulled muscle) consult a doctor.

Take care Pete.

CardboardCollector 01-30-2015 12:17 PM

I think Frank is waiting for Pete's health insurance info, so he can get paid for the encounter. ;)

frankbmd 01-30-2015 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1373658)
I think Frank is trying to say to you that it would be irresponsible of him to try to diagnose you on the internet.

Pete, Peter's right for Pete's sake.

I might add some general information was provided to Pete via PM free of charge.

Jantz 01-30-2015 09:36 PM

As others have said, get it checked out. The sooner the better.

I've got some experience with hernias. They come with the territory from being a former competitive power lifter.

From what I've heard, they can be painful. I wouldn't know since none of mine ever bothered me.

Just because you don't have any noticeable bulges doesn't mean you don't have a hernia.

Bottom line, if you are in pain then something is wrong. Better to have your doctor tell you its a pulled muscle, then find out its a hernia later.

Take it easy and get it checked out.


ullmandds 01-31-2015 03:33 AM

Thank you guys for your concerns...and advice. I think I turned a corner yesterday...I started feeling better midday yesterday...I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for a while last night...feel even better right now...I'm thinking this is a muscle thing and am going to wait it out a few more days.

I AM a man after all...and I hate going to the doctor!!!!

DHogan 01-31-2015 09:41 AM

I've had a few bowel obstructions. Grown men do cry .:o

ullmandds 02-04-2015 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by DHogan (Post 1374039)
I've had a few bowel obstructions. Grown men do cry .:o

Ouch!!!!! Turned out to be a pulled muscle...thx for the support!!

DHogan 02-04-2015 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1375755)
Turned out to be a pulled muscle...thx for the support!!

Good to hear that. :)

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