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jefferyepayne 02-22-2024 11:59 AM

Free talk on WWII Steagles team - March 2 in DC area
Hi all,

There is a new Professional Football Researchers Association (PFRA) chapter in the Washington DC area and we are having a free talk by the author of a book on the WWII Steagles team on March 2, 2024 in Falls Church, VA. Here are the specifics and if you live in the area, I hope you'll join us! You do not need to be a PFRA member to attend.

I am excited to announce our first PFRA Author Event with Matthew Algeo, author of "Last Team Standing", which tells the story of the Steelers/Eagles "Steagles" franchise during World War II. Mr. Algeo will speak and answer questions about his book. We will also take some time to discuss possible future PFRA events and get-togethers.

The meeting will be held at 11:00 am on Saturday March 2nd at the Mary Riley Styles Public Library (Upper Level Conference Room) in Falls Church, VA. After the meeting (at approximately 12:30) we will head to lunch at the Dogwood Tavern nearby.

There's usually plenty of street parking and limited spots next to the library, and a couple of blocks down there's also parking available on the top two floors of the Kaiser Permanante parking deck on 111 Park Ave.

We would ask that you RSVP to so we have an idea of who to expect. Hope you can make it!


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