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RichardSimon 01-02-2014 08:35 AM

Ron Keurajian's HOF Autograph book
I was using the book once again the other day and wondering how many of you own Ron Keurajian's Hall of Fame Autographs Guide?
I have owned it since it came out and do find it to be quite useful.
Any others have thoughts about this book?
With the proliferation of junk on ebay and elsewhere this book can certainly answer a lot of the questions that pop up on this board.

jgmp123 01-02-2014 08:47 AM

Pre-ordered it and received on first shipment day. The amount of great info in this book is priceless. I recommend it to everyone.

bender07 01-02-2014 10:09 AM

Have it, great source

r2678 01-02-2014 10:16 AM

Purchased it through Amazon after I saw it mentioned on this site a number of months ago. Great read. It also helped to rekindle my interest in autographs.

WillowGrove 01-02-2014 10:18 AM

Ever since this summer Richard when I got interested in vintage HOFer autographs I have found that I use this book constantly.

I actually bought it before I was interested in autos because I thought it was a great reference book to own.


tazdmb 01-02-2014 10:21 AM

I consider this the bible for vintage HOF BB collecting, yes I have a copy.

Westsiders 01-02-2014 10:23 AM

I own Ron's book and it has helped me quite a bit. As a new collector, it helped me get jump started in regards to building my knowledge base (still a long way to go :)

More specifically, it's prevented me from making some potentially costly mistakes. A few months back, I almost moved on a Ruth piece...which was JSA certed, and which got the PSA "likely genuine". Just before pulling the trigger on the deal, I reviewed Ron's book, and sure enough, he specifically discussed this exact piece in there. Obviously opinions do differ on this particular piece, but I was very appreciative to have all the info available before making an expensive decision.

djson1 01-02-2014 11:23 AM

I also have this book and found it to be quite useful. I also wish a book like this would be produced with NON-HOFers too someday, like Pete Rose, Joe Jackson, Lefty O'Doul, etc. I do think that more signature samples would have been great, especially for guys who have changed their signatures over the years. Ron does attempt at showing the various signatures over the years for some, but didn't have enough space (I'm assuming) for many of the others.

gnaz01 01-02-2014 12:25 PM

have it and love it

Mr. Zipper 01-02-2014 01:25 PM

Ok... I like the book and have it, but let me play devils advocate...


It is a good reference and I particularly like the narrative. The section before the signature examples is quite enjoyable and I learned from it.

That said, how can anyone seriously use it to "authenticate?" Many of the players have one or two examples. How can it be an effective authentication tool based on one or two examples? Of course anything but the most grossly malformed obvious fake is going to look close to one or two examples. The most common Killebrew fakes are nearly indistinguishable from the one small example featured in the book.

In a number of sections, common secretarials or fake styles are discussed but not pictured. Not having a Mays wife signed or DiMaggio sister signed, for example, are big misses. The cookie cutter Mantle fakes we see every day, when viewed as a singular example, are going to look "ok." So, common fake styles would have been a welcome addition.

Additionally, the vast majority of sections feature language such as, "he is not the target of skilled forgers." This is misleading and dangerous in my opinion. Just what does he consider a skilled forger? The layperson would walk away from this book thinking only the big ones like Ruth, Cobb, etc. are skillfully forged and every other fake should be obvious.

I understand it's probably impossible to feature a detailed study for each player. Big ones like Ruth and Cobb are handled beautifully. Mr. Keurajian is to be complimented and it is excellent overall.

But, it leaves me scratching my head a bit when people say they use it to buy autographs. As an example, is there anyone in the world that would look at the 3 grainy examples in the Tony Lazzeri section and then go out a buy a Lazzeri in confidence based on the book alone? :confused:

djson1 01-02-2014 02:03 PM

Steve, I totally agree with you here. I do enjoy the book and it's a good investment for most collectors, but you did point out some of the weaknesses like the "not a target of skilled forgers" commentary...which may imply that the signature can still be mass forged by less skilled forgers. Also, I noticed that the general value of all the signatures seems to have a minimum of $100, which I have to disagree with. Also, by stating in the book that most signatures are a minimum of $100 a pop would still make it attractive for forgers to target.

thetruthisoutthere 01-02-2014 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Zipper (Post 1222805)
Ok... I like the book and have it, but let me play devils advocate...


It is a good reference and I particularly like the narrative. The section before the signature examples is quite enjoyable and I learned from it.

That said, how can anyone seriously use it to "authenticate?" Many of the players have one or two examples. How can it be an effective authentication tool based on one or two examples? Of course anything but the most grossly malformed obvious fake is going to look close to one or two examples. The most common Killebrew fakes are nearly indistinguishable from the one small example featured in the book.

In a number of sections, common secretarials or fake styles are discussed but not pictured. Not having a Mays wife signed or DiMaggio sister signed, for example, are big misses. The cookie cutter Mantle fakes we see every day, when viewed as a singular example, are going to look "ok." So, common fake styles would have been a welcome addition.

Additionally, the vast majority of sections feature language such as, "he is not the target of skilled forgers." This is misleading and dangerous in my opinion. Just what does he consider a skilled forger? The layperson would walk away from this book thinking only the big ones like Ruth, Cobb, etc. are skillfully forged and every other fake should be obvious.

I understand it's probably impossible to feature a detailed study for each player. Big ones like Ruth and Cobb are handled beautifully. Mr. Keurajian is to be complimented and it is excellent overall.

But, it leaves me scratching my head a bit when people say they use it to buy autographs. As an example, is there anyone in the world that would look at the 3 grainy examples in the Tony Lazzeri section and then go out a buy a Lazzeri in confidence based on the book alone? :confused:

Steve, I'm sitting here writing and there you go taking away my thunder....


I will agree with Steve's assessment on Keurajian's book.

joed25 01-02-2014 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1222824)
Steve, I'm sitting here writing and there you go taking away my thunder....


I will agree with Steve's assessment on Keurajian's book.

+1. I was not impressed at all with the book.

Maddog 01-02-2014 04:41 PM

I Agree with the above.
I was really looking forward to the book and think I got all caught up in the hype.
I remember talking to Jim Stinson about this and he made a very good comment. If one was to prepare a really comprehensive analysis of all the baseball HOF autographs ; on all the various mediums; covering the players signing spans, you will have a 10 volume reference service that would probably be out of most peoples budget.

What Ron put together is a start, and a helpful one at that, but I will still venture to say if I was buying a certain $$$ autograph I will trust a certain 3-4 dealers over my looking at a black & white print of an autograph :)

Wymers Auction 01-02-2014 05:16 PM

I received the book early in it's release. I like the explanations in the beginning teaching some of the things to look for in all forgeries. I liked it a lot, but I do not have the experience in autos that most of you have.

gashouse34 01-02-2014 08:29 PM

I also have enjoyed my copy. I more so enjoyed learning about the forgeries of certain player signatures and what to look for. I'm personally not planning on using mine to match up his examples of legit autographs with ones I will be purchasing in the future.

mighty bombjack 01-02-2014 08:42 PM

Very good book that I'm happy to own.

Duluth Eskimo 01-03-2014 06:28 AM

I think the book is well done and I learned from it. I cannot say that about too many reference books nowadays. I think it was worth my money. I will also agree with some of what people have already mentioned about detail, but there is only so much detail that can be explained. The book is generally written for the casual collector, not necassarily the expert collector. I do think that even the expert collector / dealer can learn from this book as well though.

I will also echo the comments about wishing there was more to it than HOF autographs. Not necessarily those players mentioned, but other early players. Bottom line, I think it is well done and I would buy it again if I had to do all over.

RichardSimon 01-03-2014 09:40 AM

Remember one thing, this is a guide book. Like a price guide it provides a great service but it cannot be a be all and end all for autographs. As a post stated earlier that would require a 10 volume set.
I find the book to be very useful but my exemplar file, accumulated over many years, is what I rely on the most.

thetruthisoutthere 01-03-2014 11:23 AM

All I remember is that there was a ton of hype of it being the "Be All" book.

I purchased mine on Ebay for $20.00 and consider it somewhat of a reference book. Although I must admit, I haven't looked at it in long time.

I'm sure Mr. Keurajian put a lot of effort into writing his book, which I can appreciate.

Mr. Zipper 01-03-2014 12:07 PM

It was a ton of work and he did a great job. In all likelihood, the best reference one could have short of the multi-volume set.

In my previous post I may have come off as critical, but I was just offering a counterbalance to some of the hyperbolic accolades.

Is it handy and informative and probably the best BB HOF Reference available? YES.

When the book is opened do Angels of Light shoot out and infuse you with autograph authentication omniscience? Probably not.

I recall certain parties, including one former member here, who were eagerly awaiting the release of this book because it was sure to rock the hobby and bring the TPAs to their knees. Did that happen? ;)

ibuysportsephemera 01-03-2014 12:12 PM

I just picked it up for my iPad mini. My initial reaction is that it will be a nice addition to my reference guide collection and I am glad it will travel with me so easily.


thetruthisoutthere 01-03-2014 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Zipper (Post 1223181)
It was a ton of work and he did a great job. In all likelihood, the best reference one could have short of the multi-volume set.

In my previous post I may have come off as critical, but I was just offering a counterbalance to some of the hyperbolic accolades.

Is it handy and informative and probably the best BB HOF Reference available? YES.

When the book is opened do Angels of Light shoot out and infuse you with autograph authentication omniscience? Probably not.

I recall certain parties, including one former member here, who were eagerly awaiting the release of this book because it was sure to rock the hobby and bring the TPAs to their knees. Did that happen? ;)

I don't think we were being critical at all, Mr. Zipper, but maybe we are, and that's okay, too.

HOFAUTOS 01-03-2014 04:00 PM

Bobby Poll put out a HOF autograph book a few years ago. I bought it and use it from time to time. LOTS of examples and shows changes in the players autograph over the years with dates. Pretty nice book for $30

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