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bsblgmexpert 10-09-2010 02:57 PM

Baseball 19th century/Early 20th century board/card/coin op for sale/trade/buy
Enjoy the beauty,authenticity,and history that only original baseball games can provide. Player endorsed games of your favorite players.
Historical events that are commemorated by these unique pieces of americana
i am making available the rarest of the rare.over 300 games of which 55 baseball board games and card games are unique,as well as over 25 of which less than 5 exist.
If there is a game you played 50 years ago,and hear the murmuring of 'rosebud" in your dreams,let me fulfill your wish and find that game that will rekindle the timelessness of childhood.

Feel free to email me and review my book,baseball games:home versions of the national pastime to selec the game you always wanted.

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