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Leon 06-03-2012 10:19 AM

running and getting into shape....
I am about a year into getting back into shape and running 2.5 miles approximately 5-6 times a week. I don't think I will ever like it the way I used to 30 yrs ago :eek:. Anyone else going through the pain?

CharleyBrown 06-03-2012 11:38 AM

I wish I could go through the pain lol.

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis my junior year of college, and was forced to retire from running for good.

I tried playing tennis last week for the first time in 16 years against one of my students, but after one serve, my shoulder gave out and is still in pain.

I'm feeling like an old man at 30 - really sucks!

deebro041 06-03-2012 11:39 AM

Yes Leon i feel it. I am only 41 but have a bad knee from slo-pitch and a bad back at times. Last year i worked out 6 days a week for 45 min a day, quit drinking and ate a healthy diet(lol). I lost 37 lbs in less than 4 months. Sadly i have not been able to keep up the workouts and gained 75% of it back.
Depending on one's situation, i think that people need to feel healthy in their mind to enjoy life.:)

gorrister 06-03-2012 11:45 AM

Raquetball five times a week. Feel the pain everyday!

barrysloate 06-03-2012 06:00 PM

I ran to the kitchen to get some Haagen Dazs...that's about it for me.

Leon 06-03-2012 08:35 PM

earlier life
Just turning 50 made me sort of want to get into shape again. I think I have the cardio going ok but need to do some weight training too. It will happen sooner than later, one way or the other. Health is an aspect I think Americans greatly overlook. How many of us remember before all of the gadgets when we were young, in the 60s-70s? Our moms used to kick us out of the house each day in the summer. We would go home for lunch and then back out, always on the run....literally. We played a ton of sandlot baseball and other outside games. Those were the days. Kids just don't do that stuff so much anymore, from what I can tell. I know my 15 yr old doesn't do any sandlot stuff. She plays a lot of club volleyball so gets some exercise but kids today, in general, don't get very much exercise at all.

drc 06-03-2012 11:06 PM

I run/walk. I go out every day and run, or run for parts, and walk the rest. If my knee is sore, I figure it's better to walk, and walking's good exercise too. I also have been around long enough to know I should do what I can do and enjoy. You should pick what you can and will do for the rest of your life, not the next three days. Walking around the block every day for the rest of your life is far better than running 5 miles for a day for then week than quitting.

drc 06-03-2012 11:12 PM

P.s., I'd rather take up running in Seattle than Dallas.

Cardboard Junkie 06-04-2012 11:49 AM

I am 61 and have been running 100 miles a week since my twenties. Multiple marathons...personal best 3:00:07 Iron man, Mountain Climber, mountain biker, and surf almost everyday (now that I live in paradise. Swim 2 miles a day. 3rd degree Black Belt (tai kwan do), golden gloves. Lift free weights (don't like machine type weights or treadmill /stairstepper stuff) No "bowflex" for me. And I have never let the weather stop me ....blizzards.....sub zero temps.....sweltering heat.
I feel stronger faster and healthier than ever. Eat only vegan. Grow 90% of my own food. And I play lead guitar in a small blues band on my original 1963 Strat and 1961 Vox Amp. Aloha, Dave.

Leon 06-04-2012 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cardboard Junkie (Post 1000629)
I am 61 and have been running 100 miles a week since my twenties. Multiple marathons...personal best 3:00:07 Iron man, Mountain Climber, mountain biker, and surf almost everyday (now that I live in paradise. Swim 2 miles a day. 3rd degree Black Belt (tai kwan do), golden gloves. Lift free weights (don't like machine type weights or treadmill /stairstepper stuff) No "bowflex" for me. And I have never let the weather stop me ....blizzards.....sub zero temps.....sweltering heat.
I feel stronger faster and healthier than ever. Eat only vegan. Grow 90% of my own food. And I play lead guitar in a small blues band on my original 1963 Strat and 1961 Vox Amp. Aloha, Dave.

I almost got tired just reading what you do daily. I can't imagine running an average of 15 miles a day let alone the rest of the stuff. This is encouraging as I age :).

barrysloate 06-04-2012 02:30 PM

I nearly passed out reading it. I don't have the mind set to do that. It takes a certain personality for it and I greatly admire Dave's resolve. I have terrible discipline and could never push myself like that. If I do a 15 minute power walk around the neighborhood I feel I got a good workout. My wife does yoga and used to go to a gym but you couldn't get me into a gym even if you paid me. Note: my current weight is 139 lbs.

Vol 06-04-2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cardboard Junkie (Post 1000629)
And I play lead guitar in a small blues band on my original 1963 Strat and 1961 Vox Amp. Aloha, Dave.

Bet that has a sweeeet tone. Wow.

GaryPassamonte 06-06-2012 11:47 AM

I hike/walk 7-10 miles a day. I also use a bowflex and do calesthenics religiously. I have always been active. In 2008, I spent 3 months in Nepal trekking in the Himalayas reaching an altitude on 18500, above Everest base camp. In 2010, I thru-hiked 1250 miles in 3 months on the Appalachian Trail. In July, I'm going to northern Alaska for a 125 mile hike/packcraft adventure. Hopefully, next year I will be in Turkey climbing Mt. Ararat. Oh, I'm 55 years old.

drc 06-07-2012 11:01 AM

I live in a big city and don't own a car, so necessarily get walking in.

buymycards 06-08-2012 05:00 PM

I run 3-4 times a week. Ran a 1/2 marathon a couple of weeks ago. I also bike a little and do the Insanity workout twice a week. (I can barely make it through the 12 minute warm ups).

At 61 years old my knee is bothering and I have a little arthritis in my foot, but I keep on running, although I am about 3 minutes per slower than I was 20 years ago. I love running and I can't imagine what life would be like it I had to stop.


dstraate 06-08-2012 08:46 PM

I was supposed to go climbing tomorrow, but now I need to sell my house. I guess that will be a workout too.

Answer to the original question. I run about 5 miles per week avg. I only get to it once or so, but I'd like to do more. I'm only 30, so it shouldn't hurt that much, but I'm also 250, so it probably hurts a bit extra too.

marktheshark83 06-13-2012 07:15 AM

i have been doing 30min/2 miles on the treadmill and doing the weight watchers program. so far i have lost around 35 lbs in 3 months..

I have tried many many diets b4 and weight watchers seems to be working best. The best part is that i can still eat anything i want, just as long as i stay under my number of points each day.

If you would like a little more info please contact me.. What better than being able to take down half a pizza and still lose weight? NOTHING!! lol

Leon 06-13-2012 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by marktheshark83 (Post 1003189)
i have been doing 30min/2 miles on the treadmill and doing the weight watchers program. so far i have lost around 35 lbs in 3 months..

I have tried many many diets b4 and weight watchers seems to be working best. The best part is that i can still eat anything i want, just as long as i stay under my number of points each day.

If you would like a little more info please contact me.. What better than being able to take down half a pizza and still lose weight? NOTHING!! lol

Mark, since I am fairly religious on my running I eat anything, everything and whenever I want to. Yesterday I ate a whole pizza for lunch. I have lost about 30 lbs and kept it off....I think I could lose the other 20 I need to if I quit eating like that but I really enjoy eating. From what I have read it seems like being just a few pounds overweight isn't too bad as long as you exercise a lot. That's my story and I am sticking to it. :) And in about 30 minutes I will be running my 2.5 miles for the day.

marktheshark83 06-13-2012 09:12 AM

it sure is nice when you can still eat what you want and lose wieght isnt it? infact im about to get me 2 chili cheese coney dogs lol

Leon 06-13-2012 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by marktheshark83 (Post 1003236)
it sure is nice when you can still eat what you want and lose wieght isnt it? infact im about to get me 2 chili cheese coney dogs lol

Dude, I just bought some of those Kosher, low (but not "no") fat dogs.....and I have chili and onions and all the fixins too......that could easily be my lunch today also. Though I might opt for some homemade spaghetti. We'll see...

marktheshark83 06-13-2012 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1003239)
Dude, I just bought some of those Kosher, low (but not "no") fat dogs.....and I have chili and onions and all the fixins too......that could easily be my lunch today also. Though I might opt for some homemade spaghetti. We'll see...

those dogs pretty good? almost tried them, but stuck with my ballparks lol

Touch'EmAll 06-14-2012 11:52 AM

Good for you, Leon

Good for you for getting back at it - running. Its a no brainer to a better, longer life. Just pay close attention to what your body tells you - keep at it but don't overdo it. Always stretch before working out, probably should stretch after workouts as well. Drink lots of water. Get good sleep. Eat balanced nutritious diet. Indulge a little. Its all good. There is no secret diet/program, but just use common sense and you will benefit.

I am a competitive masters swimmer, age 46, have a few swim meets on the horizon. Seems at this age, half the battle is getting up on the starting blocks just feeling good - no nagging aches and pains.

majordanby 06-15-2012 05:20 PM

a whole pizza for lunch? and you still lose weight? you must have a REALLY fast metabolism to do that. losing weight is simple as calories in and calories out and that means it's about diet+exercise, with diet likely accounting for at least 75% of the equation. a 12 inch pizza is how many calories? 1600? On average, you expend 100 calories per mile - so, that's 2100 calories in one week of running and you just spent 1600 of that in one day.

I run 60 miles a week - ive learned not to eat anything i want because the pounds start to show. the sentiment is that when you exercise - you're given the license to eat damn near anything you desire. i have met people who do such a thing and dont really gain weight - but, most people are not like that, especially as the metabolism slows with age.

but if you can do it, drink an extra pint for those with slower metabolisms, like myself.

Leon 06-16-2012 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by majordanby (Post 1003996)
a whole pizza for lunch? and you still lose weight? you must have a REALLY fast metabolism to do that. losing weight is simple as calories in and calories out and that means it's about diet+exercise, with diet likely accounting for at least 75% of the equation. a 12 inch pizza is how many calories? 1600? On average, you expend 100 calories per mile - so, that's 2100 calories in one week of running and you just spent 1600 of that in one day.

I run 60 miles a week - ive learned not to eat anything i want because the pounds start to show. the sentiment is that when you exercise - you're given the license to eat damn near anything you desire. i have met people who do such a thing and dont really gain weight - but, most people are not like that, especially as the metabolism slows with age.

but if you can do it, drink an extra pint for those with slower metabolisms, like myself.

I have lost about 30lbs in the last year. I probably need to lose another 15 or so. The fact I love to eat and do so with NO limitations means my little tummy roll will stay. What can I say, I enjoy eating. My metabolism is a ton slower since my later 30's (am 50 now). So, if I want to lose that other 15lbs I know I will have to change my eating habits, which I am not ready to do as of now. I will just keep running 6x a week (2.5 mi a day) and playing softball 1-2 times a week and hopefully live happily ever after.

old-baseball 06-16-2012 09:26 AM

I've always struggled with my weight but I've been a runner on and off since I was about 20. At 50 the days of 7:00 minute miles for me are long gone (I've come the realization that I'm a Clydesdale not a race horse). Started running again 6 weeks ago at about a 10:00 to 12:00 minute mile pace and I'm doing 2.5 miles seven days a week now. Down 24 pounds in the six weeks with about another 25 pounds or so to go.

pariah1107 06-16-2012 09:29 AM

Congrats on getting back in shape Leon. Sounds like a disciplined running routine. I have also been trimming down, getting into proper condition to do the swimming leg of a relay team in the Whisky Dick Triathlon. 1 and a half miles in the Columbia River... brrrr! Event is not until July 29th but the river is still awfully cold. Did it a few years back with the same guys. Should be fun again.

Maybe net54 members should make a relay team for a triathlon....

curtis-cards 06-23-2012 08:28 PM

I'm 34 and never ran growing up. I've picked it up over the last year or so and completed my 1st marathon in April in Madrid, Spain. I ran with Team in Training and raised money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I'm running my first half in Chicago next month. I need the races to keep me motivated to run. I do enjoy it. Good to see other runners on the boards. Leon, keep up the good work!

RichardSimon 06-26-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 1000448)
I ran to the kitchen to get some Haagen Dazs...that's about it for me.

though for me it is Emack & Bolio a small Boston based ice cream brand that has opened a store in my neighborhood

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