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RichardSimon 02-08-2013 12:51 PM

Please sign Mr Jeter - NY Times article about collecting Jeter in Fla

mschwade 02-08-2013 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by RichardSimon (Post 1085426)

I've bought a Robinson Cano signed bat from one of the guys they quoted in the article before. Small world.

jimjim 02-08-2013 01:49 PM

Nice article. Not sure I would wait almost 8 plus hours for a Jeter graph that looks like slop, but that is just me. To each their own.

travrosty 02-08-2013 03:09 PM

This is unbelievable, why would you want an autograph from someone like that? Mr. too cool for school.

he doesnt care about you, so dont ask him about his day. he can go jump in the lake as far as i am concerned. babe ruth was more popular than anyone, and i dont think babe treated people like that. who does he think he is? derek jeter? so what.

turns my stomach that people sign up for that abuse.

chaddurbin 02-08-2013 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1085517)
This is unbelievable, why would you want an autograph from someone like that.

so they can turn around and resell that sig. you have whole forums dedicated to stuff like this. i don't blame the superstars for being indignant about it.

HRBAKER 02-08-2013 03:26 PM

The man's been hounded by these guys for nearly twenty years, I wouldn't give them the time of day.

David Atkatz 02-08-2013 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by HRBAKER (Post 1085529)
The man's been hounded by these guys for nearly twenty years, I wouldn't give them the time of day.

Babe Ruth was hounded for more than twenty-five years, and always managed to treat his fans well.
It doesn't take much.

HRBAKER 02-08-2013 03:45 PM

Well he's obviously no Babe Ruth. Everyone's different.
It's a personal decision, it's has to get old.

Different game today, same faces day after day. Same hounds, runners, resellers.
No way to discern a "first time fan" from the rest.
Default position, ignore them all.

David Atkatz 02-08-2013 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by HRBAKER (Post 1085542)
Well he's obviously no Babe Ruth.

Amen to that, brother!

HRBAKER 02-08-2013 03:51 PM

On a positive note wasn't there a story sometime back about him sending women home from his place with an autographed baseball? Or am I confusing the playa?

travrosty 02-08-2013 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by David Atkatz (Post 1085537)
Babe Ruth was hounded for more than twenty-five years, and always managed to treat his fans well.
It doesn't take much.


if jeter didnt feel like signing that day, so be it, but to tell people that should avert their eyes and not talk to him, that's ridiculous.

i am from the land of kirby puckett, and he would never treat the fans that way. I miss that guy.

no one was mobbed more than muhammad ali, and he signed for 40 years without treating people like this, he signed and signed and talked to people, he didnt act like this, that's for sure. how can Ali do it, and this guy can't act like a human being?

Scott Garner 02-08-2013 04:04 PM

Derek Jeter, what a giver...:rolleyes:

Jeff, you are correct that Derek sends the women that he beds home with a fabulous parting gift- an autographed Derek Jeter baseball!! Whoopee! ;)

HRBAKER 02-08-2013 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Garner (Post 1085552)
Derek Jeter, what a giver...:rolleyes:

Jeff, you are correct that Derek sends the women that he beds home with a fabulous parting gift- an autographed Derek Jeter baseball!! Whoopee! ;)

Well there you go, somedays he is a gracious signer!

David Atkatz 02-08-2013 04:08 PM

He's got a supply of those baseballs pre-inscribed, on his bedside table... "To what was your name again?, Sincerely, Derek Jeter"

travrosty 02-08-2013 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by David Atkatz (Post 1085560)
He's got a supply of those baseballs pre-inscribed, on his bedside table... "To what was your name again?, Sincerely, Derek Jeter"

Brooks Robinson needs to smack this Jeter guy upside the head, but he's too nice a guy to do it.

HRBAKER 02-08-2013 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1085568)
Brooks Robinson needs to smack this Jeter guy upside the head, but he's too nice a guy to do it.

YOu could ask ARod to do it but he would miss.

travrosty 02-08-2013 04:34 PM

two more guys who were bombarded for their autograph every day but didnt seem to act like morons.

joe louis -signed for over 40 years, his son said he cant remember ever going out with his dad where he wasnt constantly asked for his autograph, every time they ever ate out together.

another - jack dempsey, as popular as babe ruth back in the 20's, signed for over 60 years, i have never heard of him treating his fans like a jerk, because he is jack dempsey, he accomodated the fans.

jeter could take notes.

packs 02-08-2013 04:37 PM

Here's my beef with players like Jeter. Tell everyone when you go into practice whether or not you feel like stopping to sign after. If not, then why make people wait all day for nothing? You can still be a polite jerk.

HRBAKER 02-08-2013 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by packs (Post 1085581)
Here's my beef with players like Jeter. Tell everyone when you go into practice whether or not you feel like stopping to sign after. If not, then why make people wait all day for nothing? You can still be a polite jerk.

I agree with that. There's no reason to be rude but your not obligated to sign. Kudos to Ruth, Dempsey, Louis, BRobby and others who were obviously very accommodating over the years.

Scott Garner 02-08-2013 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by HRBAKER (Post 1085569)
YOu could ask ARod to do it but he would miss.

LOL :p

packs 02-08-2013 05:35 PM

It would take two seconds to say "Not today, guys" as he walks in. Everyone is there before he arrives as it is. And if you say No you'll trim the line down if you do feel like stopping later.

sdkammeyer 02-08-2013 06:34 PM

OK, Yankee fans ..... cover you ears :)

Stories like this make me cringe ..... but also make me wonder what it would be like if I couldn't urinate in a public bathroom without being hounded for my autograph. You MUST think that back in his early career, Jeter, or any other player for that matter, probably adored the attention and stopped to sign more often. After so long the novelty wears off and your signings become more and more rare. For some players, the novelty NEVER wears off (Babe Ruth and many others mentioned already).

In the end, the players like Jeter are biting the hands that feed them. No, we, as fans, do not write Jeter's paychecks ...... but without the attendance at the games there is no Yankees and therefore no paycheck. Yankee fans know he is an idiot, but yet they still pay for those tickets! Obviously it impossible for him to discern between the fan and the guy who will have that auto for sale on eBay before the night is over ...... and as a player that's gotta suck.

You guys are right though. What is the harm in making an announcement that morning as you enter the facility if you are going to have time to sign or not afterwards? Or, better yet, if you (Derek Jeter) want to have justification for being an asshole, why not stop for 20-25 autos everyday. How long can it possibly take to sign your name 25 times? If you see the same person there waiting for you, knowing that you just signed for him yesterday, then just bypass that person and move on to the next..... or do something silly like sign it "mickey mouse" .... or just give him the Nyjer Morgan sig.

packs 02-08-2013 06:49 PM

I feel like there are only two possibilities as to why players don't say they will or won't sign early in the day and make people wait all day to find out.

Either they truly don't know how they're going to feel later.


They like to turn people down.

I'll never be convinced that some players don't get some kind of sadistic pleasure from watching people want their autograph and walking by without signing a single one. I saw Bryce Harper do it all day, every day at Nationals camp after he was drafted first overall. And then I watched Strasburg sign for almost everyone even though he held the same cache as Harper.

I also don't really buy that a player doesn't know whether or not he's going to sign until the moment practice is over. You walk off the field to people asking for you to sign. You take an hour or two to shower and get dressed. And then you walk by those people again, who you know by now will be waiting for you.

Just say yes or no from the start and stop being a jerk. I can't tell you how many times I watched Jose Reyes and David Wright tell Mets fans in Port Saint Lucie that they'll sign as soon as their drills are over, only to watch them walk by everyone who has patiently waited, pick up their bags, and leave without even looking at a fan. It makes me sick.

MacDice 02-08-2013 06:59 PM

What players get annoyed with is seeing the same people day in and day out who hand them a large stack of items to sign. I think a lot more players would be willing to sign if they did not think that the individual was just going to turn around and sell it.

byrone 02-08-2013 07:06 PM

Personalize the autographs, that will sort out the fans from the re-sellers.:mad:

packs 02-08-2013 07:12 PM

It's not hard to make your autograph not worth selling. Sign for everyone.

David Atkatz 02-08-2013 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by sdkammeyer (Post 1085630)
For some players, the novelty NEVER wears off (Babe Ruth and many others mentioned already).

IT wasn't the novelty. It's really quite simple.
Ruth genuinely liked his fans. He genuinely liked people. And he probably never forgot where he came from.

chaddurbin 02-08-2013 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1085550)

if jeter didnt feel like signing that day, so be it, but to tell people that should avert their eyes and not talk to him, that's ridiculous.

i am from the land of kirby puckett, and he would never treat the fans that way. I miss that guy.

yea real nice guy, that puckett!

the difference between jeter and ruth, louis, and all the old timers who were accomodating is they didn't see the "fan" turn around and sell the signed ball for $200 right away, or louis didn't see 2 gloves, 3 trunks, and 5 index cards shoved in his face by 1 guy day after day after day.

David Atkatz 02-08-2013 08:12 PM

I'm sure there were pricks--like Jeter--in Ruth's day, too.
It's just that Ruth wasn't one of them.

I grew up in the Bronx, in the sixties. We used to hang out outside the Stadium for autographs all the time.
Most guys signed. Some didn't.
(I lost count of how many times Mantle pushed me away.)
And we didn't ask for ten signatures, or turn around and resell.

chaddurbin 02-08-2013 08:32 PM

that's what i'm if you sign for 10 guys, 9 of them are turning around to sell or getting the sig on consignment. that's the game, i don't fault the player for getting fed up. what's funny is when the players are not accomodating or polite to these hounds they go on chatboard and badmouth the dare the players not let me make money off them? and i say all this knowing full well i'm in this hobby and a part of the cycle.

David Atkatz 02-08-2013 08:47 PM

You misunderstood me, Chad. It has nothing--or very little--to do with "today's" autograph collectors.
In every era, there are pricks, and there are menschen.

drc 02-08-2013 09:28 PM

Jeter should compromise and hand out 15% off coupons for his signed ball at the Steiner website.

MacDice 02-08-2013 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by byrone (Post 1085648)
Personalize the autographs, that will sort out the fans from the re-sellers.:mad:

Depending on the item, personalizations can be removed if you know what you are doing.

71buc 02-08-2013 10:55 PM

I don’t know who is more pathetic in this exchange, the beggars or the pinstriped prince. Ripken he definitely aint....

Scott Garner 02-09-2013 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by 71buc (Post 1085713)
I don’t know who is more pathetic in this exchange, the beggars or the pinstriped prince. Ripken he definitely aint....

...or Nolan Ryan! :)

I remember when Nolan would come to Anaheim when he was with Texas towards the end of his career, the Rangers would stay at the Doubletree Hotel in Anaheim. You could literally set your clock by Nolan. He would exit the hotel at precisely the same time every day and sign at least two of the three days on every road trip. As long as the croud stayed polite and unruly he would sign one autograph for EVERY person outside the hotel. He would stop signing when he saw the same pair of shoes twice. This is how he knew that someone was trying to pull a fast one and jump back into line. In 1992 and 1993, his final two seasons, the lines to get his autograph were perhaps 100-150 people long, no exaggeration. He took his time and signed neatly for everyone and would acknowlege anyone that spoke to him.

Unfortunately they broke the mold with Cal and Nolan. Of the modern stars, these guys were genuine princes when it came to the way they treated fans.

travrosty 02-09-2013 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by MacDice (Post 1085707)
Depending on the item, personalizations can be removed if you know what you are doing.

you could partially sign the personalization over the edge of your autograph. overlap them a little.

Exhibitman 02-09-2013 06:09 AM

The instructions for getting a signature sound like the Soup Nazi's ordering ritual.

Now this is more like it:

"Tyler Austin, one of the organization’s top prospects, always makes himself available — an easy decision, he said. He recalled attending a Chattanooga Lookouts minor league game as an 8-year-old and positioning himself for postgame autographs by moving down the right-field line, just past a gate that led to the team’s locker room. A couple of players stopped. Many more did not. “I remember it vividly,” said Austin, an outfielder who has hit .331 in the minors. “My mom looked at me and said, ‘One day you’re going to be there, and I swear if I ever see you walk by anybody and not sign a thing for them, I will come and personally slap you right across the face.’ ” "

So someone sells the 'graph, so what? A guy like Jeter makes $200,000,000.00+ over a career and he's miffed that some shmuck ekes out a living selling signatures? What, is the guy taking money out of Jeter's pocket? Taking away a business opp? No and no. And if that was the case, Jeter could simply be polite about it and make a blanket announcement or deal with it like a gentleman. Cary Grant did not sign autographs but he was unfailingly nice to the people who asked. Ringo Starr until relatively recenty signed TTM and when he decided to quit he made a video about it and posted it all over the place just to alert fans not to send him more stuff. Derek Jeter is bigger than a Beatle?!?! Bigger than Ali, as Travis pointed out? There was a recent story about George Clooney in a restaurant in Europe where he thought that his party might have been too loud so he surreptitiously picked up the dinner tab for the table next to his. It's called "class" and Jeter and the rest of the A-hole Brigade don't have it and never will.

The real bottom line about Jeter and the rest of them is what the late boxing broadcaster Nick Charles said was his philosophy: "Judge a man by how he treats someone who can do nothing for him."

yanks12025 02-09-2013 06:56 AM

But don't most minor leaguers start off like Austin signing for everyone and then become a dick once they're a super star.

David Atkatz 02-09-2013 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Exhibitman (Post 1085751)
The instructions for getting a signature sound like the Soup Nazi's ordering ritual.

Now this is more like it:

"Tyler Austin, one of the organization’s top prospects, always makes himself available — an easy decision, he said. He recalled attending a Chattanooga Lookouts minor league game as an 8-year-old and positioning himself for postgame autographs by moving down the right-field line, just past a gate that led to the team’s locker room. A couple of players stopped. Many more did not. “I remember it vividly,” said Austin, an outfielder who has hit .331 in the minors. “My mom looked at me and said, ‘One day you’re going to be there, and I swear if I ever see you walk by anybody and not sign a thing for them, I will come and personally slap you right across the face.’ ” "

So someone sells the 'graph, so what? A guy like Jeter makes $200,000,000.00+ over a career and he's miffed that some shmuck ekes out a living selling signatures? What, is the guy taking money out of Jeter's pocket? Taking away a business opp? No and no. And if that was the case, Jeter could simply be polite about it and make a blanket announcement or deal with it like a gentleman. Cary Grant did not sign autographs but he was unfailingly nice to the people who asked. Ringo Starr until relatively recenty signed TTM and when he decided to quit he made a video about it and posted it all over the place just to alert fans not to send him more stuff. Derek Jeter is bigger than a Beatle?!?! Bigger than Ali, as Travis pointed out? There was a recent story about George Clooney in a restaurant in Europe where he thought that his party might have been too loud so he surreptitiously picked up the dinner tab for the table next to his. It's called "class" and Jeter and the rest of the A-hole Brigade don't have it and never will.

The real bottom line about Jeter and the rest of them is what the late boxing broadcaster Nick Charles said was his philosophy: "Judge a man by how he treats someone who can do nothing for him."


Jim F 02-09-2013 07:14 AM

Would Babe Ruth or Dempsey have signed as much if they knew there was a huge market for their autograph? Would they have signed as much if there was ebay? How about if they had a memorabilia deal? Would they have signed as much if they kept seeing the same faces asking for autographs day after day? Times change, people change. Doesn't mean he's a jerk.

David Atkatz 02-09-2013 07:27 AM

F#ck him and his memorabilia deal. Ultimately, his fans put every single cent he makes into his pocket.
If he can't give a bit back, he's a jerk.

JimStinson 02-09-2013 07:41 AM

Anyone that would drive through downtown Tampa at 3 am for ANYTHING is NUTS..:eek:

Jim F 02-09-2013 07:46 AM

His "fans" aren't the ones in line for the most part. I live in downtown Toronto. A block from the Air Canada Center where the NBA and NHL teams play, and also a block from the hockey hall of fame. It's always the same faces with binders of stuff standing out there every time something is going on. I can tell if a team is staying at a certain hotel just by the same clowns standing outside. I see his point.

EvilKing00 02-09-2013 08:07 AM

IMO hes WAY over rated - i dont one even 1 card of his and dont want any.

Yea im no yankee fan, but i have other yankee cards, Ruth, mantle, berra & arod.

chaddurbin 02-09-2013 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jim F (Post 1085790)
His "fans" aren't the ones in line for the most part. I live in downtown Toronto. A block from the Air Canada Center where the NBA and NHL teams play, and also a block from the hockey hall of fame. It's always the same faces with binders of stuff standing out there every time something is going on. I can tell if a team is staying at a certain hotel just by the same clowns standing outside. I see his point.

yes it's getting worse and worse and this has become a job to many of these people.


Originally Posted by EvilKing00 (Post 1085803)
IMO hes WAY over rated - i dont one even 1 card of his and dont want any.

Yea im no yankee fan, but i have other yankee cards, Ruth, mantle, berra & arod.

them are fighting words to yankees fans.

Mr. Zipper 02-09-2013 09:07 AM

Never heard a bad word about Mariano Rivera signing. He signs in crowds, occasionally TTM, and does public signings with relatively sane prices.

And he's a way better pitcher than Jeter is a shortstop. :D

HOF Auto Rookies 02-09-2013 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by EvilKing00 (Post 1085803)
IMO hes WAY over rated - i dont one even 1 card of his and dont want any.

Yea im no yankee fan, but i have other yankee cards, Ruth, mantle, berra & arod.

How is he overrated? One of the greatest Yankees ever, let alone a model of consistency on the field as well.

Leon 02-09-2013 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Exhibitman (Post 1085751)
The instructions for getting a signature sound like the Soup Nazi's ordering ritual.

Now this is more like it:

"Tyler Austin, one of the organization’s top prospects, always makes himself available — an easy decision, he said. He recalled attending a Chattanooga Lookouts minor league game as an 8-year-old and positioning himself for postgame autographs by moving down the right-field line, just past a gate that led to the team’s locker room. A couple of players stopped. Many more did not. “I remember it vividly,” said Austin, an outfielder who has hit .331 in the minors. “My mom looked at me and said, ‘One day you’re going to be there, and I swear if I ever see you walk by anybody and not sign a thing for them, I will come and personally slap you right across the face.’ ” "

So someone sells the 'graph, so what? A guy like Jeter makes $200,000,000.00+ over a career and he's miffed that some shmuck ekes out a living selling signatures? What, is the guy taking money out of Jeter's pocket? Taking away a business opp? No and no. And if that was the case, Jeter could simply be polite about it and make a blanket announcement or deal with it like a gentleman. Cary Grant did not sign autographs but he was unfailingly nice to the people who asked. Ringo Starr until relatively recenty signed TTM and when he decided to quit he made a video about it and posted it all over the place just to alert fans not to send him more stuff. Derek Jeter is bigger than a Beatle?!?! Bigger than Ali, as Travis pointed out? There was a recent story about George Clooney in a restaurant in Europe where he thought that his party might have been too loud so he surreptitiously picked up the dinner tab for the table next to his. It's called "class" and Jeter and the rest of the A-hole Brigade don't have it and never will.

The real bottom line about Jeter and the rest of them is what the late boxing broadcaster Nick Charles said was his philosophy: "Judge a man by how he treats someone who can do nothing for him."


bigtrain 02-09-2013 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by EvilKing00 (Post 1085803)
IMO hes WAY over rated - i dont one even 1 card of his and dont want any.

Yea im no yankee fan, but i have other yankee cards, Ruth, mantle, berra & arod.

I have no interest in Jeter's autograph but overrated? The guy is going to end up 3rd or 4th on the all-time hit list.

steve B 02-09-2013 11:08 AM

Guys have attitudes no matter what sport.

1973 My family had moved to Dalton Ma. That fall the town hosted the ISDT a six day motorcycle race. First time ever in the US. And a huge deal to a JR high boy.
The motorcycles were impounded each night. Only a brief time allowed in the morning for repairs. The riders left the impound through a chain link bordered path leading into the team area all of it in the middle of the tradeshow.

Of course we wanted autographs! Especially of the US guys. The Pentons who were sons of the owner of the company that made the team bikes.
And both of them were whiny jerks. (We used other words, yeah even in JR High.)
"Sorry guys my hand hurts" or "sorry, my wrist" One guy had no outward signs of a problem, the other just a bandaid.:mad: Heck, maybe I could get out of homework if I had a bandaid on my hand.....

The Russian guy however...........Broken arm. Still riding. We figured there was no way he was signing at all. He had a cast, and had just done a solid 8 hours of advanced trail riding.

He looked at the gauntlet of kids and whistled to the mechanic. Who brought him a pen that fit perfectly into a socket molded into his cast. Then he signed for everyone. :D Hardly what we expected - We had a kids eye view of Russians as the scary comunists who ruled most sports except baseball football and maybe basketball.

I don't recall his name, but still have the autographs. and program somewhere.
And a very long lasting memory about someone who really went beyond what was necessary and provided a great example to a bunch of kids.

Maybe they should find him and hire him to give the guys like Jeter a talking to?

Steve B
PS the East Germans were also pretty gracious when dads car rolled into their equipment van at one of the banquets...

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