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CarltonHendricks 12-31-2013 01:18 AM

2013 National Sports Collectors Convention Story Posted On
Please know I have posted on my website, Part 1 of my 2013 National Sports Collectors Convention story. Along with the written coverage and photos of what I saw...the story includes the following three special above

1. The dinner....

2. The Three Bills Room...i.e. the sale and social which Bill Rayburn, Bill Kopperud, and Billy Nix hosted by invitation in their hotel room...

3. And for the finale’....the fabulous collection of sports memorabilia dealer Corey Lieby...

Part 2 is coming and will include all my wanderings after the convention for 8 days of driving from Chicago to New Jersey and Back.

Hope you enjoy part 1 –Carlton

MGHPro 12-31-2013 07:27 AM

Carlton- Great job as always. Thanks for taking the time to do the story and photos.

ibuysportsephemera 12-31-2013 07:56 AM

Thanks Carlton....amazing job as always.


aquarius31 12-31-2013 08:40 AM

Great write-up and photographs Carlton! Thanks for sharing!

Leon 12-31-2013 08:55 AM

Great write up as usual Carlton. Thank you. I took the liberty of copying this to the main forum on the front page so more folks can see and read it.

mjkm90 12-31-2013 11:41 AM

Well done my friend!!! This story is always a true service to our great hobby. You are sooo appreciated by so many.

parker1b2 12-31-2013 12:23 PM

Great read and great photos... Enjoyed it

CW 12-31-2013 12:30 PM

Well done and thanks for the link, Carlton!

And you're probably trying to forget it even happened, but that was a solid move on your part with the rugby tin, giving it up to your buddy.

baseball tourist 12-31-2013 01:37 PM

Excellent as always Sir! Thanks for taking the time. I attended the National for the first time in several years but was hobbled by a Achilles injury and couldn't make it around as fast/much as I had hoped. By chance, do you recall the name of the dealer (perhaps from Georgia?) that was selling a vintage "Canada" team baseball jersey, that was displayed high up on a torso display at the top of his booth? I would like very much to contact him. Thanks!

Bill Rayburn 12-31-2013 05:46 PM

Hey Carlton...I always enjoy your National report. For me it is like a bridge that gets me over to next year's show. Thanks for the great coverage.

perezfan 12-31-2013 07:53 PM

Nice work, Carlton (as always). I agree that the Show itself was lackluster...

But not so, for the write-up! Brilliant job photographing and describing the most interesting items there. It was great to see Corey Leiby's collection as well :)

Hot Springs Bathers 12-31-2013 08:45 PM

Well done, I am waiting for part 2!

CarltonHendricks 01-01-2014 10:02 PM

Thank You
Hey thanks for the kind words everyone...I really appreciate it…glad that main part is over…That was the toughest National story I ever did…I never had so many setbacks…Part 2 should be much easier and shorter…

Leon, Thank so much for posting it over on the front page…that was great!

baseball tourist Chris W…send me a photo with the jersey circled and I’ll try to help…or at least a link to the page and directions to find it...

I hardly picked up anything at the three things...Below is an Army megaphone I got from John thing I got...Mark Macrea drove out from the bay area and graciously brought it back for me...good thing too...those flight attendants probably would have wanted to use it!

<img src=""/>

baseball tourist 01-02-2014 12:59 AM

Double post

baseball tourist 01-02-2014 12:59 AM

Thanks Carlton!

The dealer in question and the jersey are shown on page 7 of your photo pages, bottom right photo.

rjackson44 01-02-2014 08:03 AM

thanks carlton your the best ,,hows the stang running ,,,:)

CarltonHendricks 01-02-2014 02:46 PM

baseball tourist Chris, That is Darrel O'Mary's booth....He's from Marietta Georgia last I heard...likly still is...I'm waiting to hear back from a friend his phone number...I'll PM you with it.

rjackson44, Yeah the stang's fine...winter I mostly drive the truck but take it out now and then...Rented a red camaro convert for part two of the story...nice car but was nice to get back to the stang...By the way talking about part 2...wait till you see the John Gennantonio collection....phew!

sam majors 01-02-2014 05:11 PM

Canada jersey?
Chris W baseball tourist,
If I am looking at the right picture, I believe the dealers name is Darrell O'Mary from the Atlanta, Georgia area. The last name may be spelled O'Meary. I may be able to get an address or phone number tomorrow.
Is it the very last picture on page seven? If so I'm pretty sure it's Darrell. Sam Majors

baseball tourist 01-02-2014 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by sam majors (Post 1222901)
Chris W baseball tourist,
If I am looking at the right picture, I believe the dealers name is Darrell O'Mary from the Atlanta, Georgia area. The last name may be spelled O'Meary. I may be able to get an address or phone number tomorrow.
Is it the very last picture on page seven? If so I'm pretty sure it's Darrell. Sam Majors

Thank you Carlton and Sam!

Joe Hunter 01-04-2014 09:57 PM

Thanks, Carlton, I really enjoyed the show. Makes you want to get on the road and find some of those elusive pieces.

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