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JollyElm 05-17-2013 08:34 PM

Spiro Agnew Letter
With all the corruption finally coming to light in Washington these days, it reminded me of the Watergate era. Before that story broke, though, Vice President Spiro Agnew had already resigned for other less-than-respectful reasons. My father had written him a letter of support shortly before his resignation and here is his relatively terse reply. The envelope has 'Office of the Vice President' on it, but the letter itself is just a plain piece of typing paper with no letterhead.

I know the White House uses/used the autopen like it was going out of style, but does anyone here have any knowledge regarding this Agnew signature?

I hope it's an actual signature, but either way, I find this to be a very interesting piece and a glimpse into what was going on in the early 70's.

HRBAKER 05-17-2013 08:51 PM

"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism"

JollyElm 05-18-2013 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by HRBAKER (Post 1132350)
"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism"

The best quote in the history of humanity!!!!

David Atkatz 05-18-2013 01:03 AM

The signature is as phony as his affirmation of innocence.

JollyElm 05-18-2013 04:36 AM

Now if anyone whose opinion I actually gave a crap about would like to chime in, that would be great.

RichardSimon 05-18-2013 07:08 AM

I am not familiar with his signature but it appears that the letter is a form letter and I would suspect does not contain a real signature.

thenavarro 05-18-2013 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by JollyElm (Post 1132410)
Now if anyone whose opinion I actually gave a crap about would like to chime in, that would be great.

I don't know whether you actualy give a crap about my opinion or not, but I can unequivocally state that is NOT an authentic Spiro Agnew signature.


David Atkatz 05-18-2013 10:07 AM

You"re very welcome, Darren.

(Keep at it. Eventually you'll learn to recognize a form letter.)

HRBAKER 05-18-2013 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by JollyElm (Post 1132397)
The best quote in the history of humanity!!!!

Credit to Bill Safire, certainly not Agnew!

David Atkatz 05-18-2013 10:44 AM

Uh oh. Best not to criticize ol' Spiro, Jeff. Next thing ya know, Darren won't give a crap about your opinion, either.

RichardSimon 05-18-2013 10:45 AM

Darren - it appears that you and Jerry Lewis are having differences.
I suggest you use the above link and poof no more differences :D

shelly 05-18-2013 10:48 AM

The only thing I remember him saying was "I am not a Crook"
Oh, wait that was his Boss. Who gave us the first President never to be voted into office. Because the vice president was removed from office.Then of course so was his boss
He said in his book n 1980, in which he implied that Nixon and his Chief of Staff, Alexander Haig, had planned to assassinate him if he refused to resign the Vice Presidency, and that Haig told him to "go quietly…or else",

Bottom line, it is not authentic

David Atkatz 05-18-2013 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by RichardSimon (Post 1132575)

Darren - it appears that you and Jerry Lewis are having differences.
I suggest you use the above link and poof no more differences :D

And the world disappears when you close your eyes, Richard.

RichardSimon 05-18-2013 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1132578)
The only thing I remember him saying was "I am not a Crook"
Oh, wait that was his Boss. Who gave us the first President never to be voted into office. Because the vice president was removed from office.Then of course so was his boss
He said in his book n 1980, in which he implied that Nixon and his Chief of Staff, Alexander Haig, had planned to assassinate him if he refused to resign the Vice Presidency, and that Haig told him to "go quietly…or else",

Bottom line, it is not authentic

Haig was a scary guy who wanted to be King, not President, King.

David Atkatz 05-18-2013 11:19 AM

Kinda got away from you there, didn't it, Darren?
You didn't think that posting an Agnew piece would generate some criticism?

HRBAKER 05-18-2013 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1132578)
The only thing I remember him saying was "I am not a Crook"
Oh, wait that was his Boss. Who gave us the first President never to be voted into office. Because the vice president was removed from office.Then of course so was his boss
He said in his book n 1980, in which he implied that Nixon and his Chief of Staff, Alexander Haig, had planned to assassinate him if he refused to resign the Vice Presidency, and that Haig told him to "go quietly…or else",

Bottom line, it is not authentic

I remembered that a little differently. I thought Nixon said he was never worried that anyone would assassinate him as long as Spiro was VP.

HRBAKER 05-18-2013 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by David Atkatz (Post 1132571)
Uh oh. Best not to criticize ol' Spiro, Jeff. Next thing ya know, Darren won't give a crap about your opinion, either.

Well in my case he would be right, I know very little about political autos or many for that matter.
But I am very certain that Safire penned that quote along with "pussilanious pussyfooters" IIRC. :)

thenavarro 05-18-2013 11:25 AM

Now that I have time, I wanted to come back and show you why your signature is not authentic (and IMO this should be done anytime someone condemns a signature as long as they have time)

You can see from the image posted below that your letter has the same signature. That is because it has been mechanically reproduced, more than likely by an autopen. You might notice very, very, very slight differences in autopen signatures. That is normal and is typically caused by one of the following:

1. The signature matrix wears down with use causing minor differences
2 a human being loads the item to be signed and moves the item slightly during signing
3. An autopen can hold various writing implements so different implements have different tips, flow rates, etc

Best wishes and still a neat family item

shelly 05-18-2013 11:51 AM

Jeff, thought you would like this.

TyrusRCobb 05-18-2013 12:07 PM

I've always found Nixon exceedingly interesting. In fact, I've just begun re-reading Woodward and Bernstien's, "The Final Days." I would've have loved to pick up one of the balls addressed to Nixon in the REA auction.
Adam Phillips

JollyElm 05-18-2013 02:28 PM

Poor, doucheb_g, David. He just can't stop writing my name in his posts. What a treasure of a human being. If only that 'ignore' button would physically work on him, that would be great.

Thank you, Mike (and the other folks, too), for helping me out. I appreciate it!!

David Atkatz 05-18-2013 03:18 PM

That "doucheb_g" was the first to tell you your autograph is not real.

Once again, you're welcome.


(And, as history has plainly shown, I'm correct about Spiro's "innocence," as well.)

JollyElm 05-21-2013 02:20 AM

Oh, poor little Davy. I'm so sorry that I've upset such a well respected and beloved member of these boards. God, I'm going to puke.

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