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Old 06-12-2012, 08:32 AM
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Default Getting sued for helping out

Kyletexas you sent me this in a PM:

Money talks and BS walks.. and if something of mine is for sale it is still seriously for sale on a first come first serve basis to those ready and willing to buy it.... that is my way even if it is not yours. My cards are the ones being sold in this situation. You have no say so in who I sell them to and were Never authorized by me to do so.

.I never ask you to be my agent or representative... You offered to contact some people you knew..I assumed just because you wanted to be helpful..If you were working on some kind of finders fee it was through your buyers and not through me.

I just sent your "Threaten to spread news about me" email to my attorney. Along with copies of all our emails and PMs.
If you are serious about making false accusations about me to others as you have threatened I will be suing you for liable and you will get to come all the way to Texas to defend yourself or face judgement by default.

I have a brother and cousin who are attorneys.. My legal financial warchest..therefore.. is pretty much unlimited without me spending a cent.

I just wanted to make sure you have the right address to send the suit to.

Andrew Woodfin

This is what you get when you help people out without a signed contract. What are you so worried about Kyle? Why would me telling my group of friends what happened be grounds for a lawsuit? Why are you willing to get a lawyer(s) to shut me up? I'm not the one that changed my mind every few hrs and was calling and emailing to tell me this and that and the new changes you wanted and so on. Thats an awful lot of work for someone that says we had no agreement to sell those cards right? Im just saying. I have nothing to lose or gain from this man. I stare death in the face everyday and life is to short to deal with people like you. So if you want to sue me for some BS you created then you have my phone number and address. Best wishes to you and the sale of your collection.

BTW you can ask anyone on the board that I have gotten cards for at the nationals or where ever I have gotten them from, that never once have I asked for payment. They have always done me right for my help. Wether it was a beer or 2 at a bar or a surprise card in the mail a few months later as a thank you.

Last edited by Leon; 06-13-2012 at 11:26 AM. Reason: took out address per request of OP