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Old 06-19-2012, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Lordstan View Post
Dan and Mark,
I do agree with your statements, but only if you know specifically what you are looking for.
It is my opinion that it is unlikely a bidder specifically came to Henry's auction, or ebay for that matter, looking for a picture of Jim Thorpe wearing a tribal headdress, a baseball pen/pencil set of Roger Maris, or many of the similar items which he routinely sells above market value. I think most of those are sold for more because he gets high end buyers who find impulse buys. Also there are the buyers who lost out on what they came for and figured they have extra money they were going to spend anyway, and they find something else.

I am curious as to what search terms Mike used to find his bat pen and pencil set. Was he searching specifically for that item or a general search?

Incredible photo. Congrats!
Good point, Mark... the general search words won't always pull up a unique listing (like perhaps that Pen and Pencil set). For the stuff I collect, search words like "Antique" "Vintage" "Old" and "Early" paired with "Baseball" turn up the vast majority of items I like to bid on. But every now and then, a nice/unique item can sneak by under the radar.

I collect early pennants, so my best search words are "pennant", "flag", "banner", and even the mis-spelled "penant" (which has surprisingly turned up several gems over the years). If you search by "highest price first" and "auction only format", you'll weed most of the cheap crap and the Buy it Now Ripoffs.

Those are just some helpful hints (resulting from a decade of ebay frustration and futility).

Ben - That photo of young Babe is razor-sharp and just so intriguing... many congrats!
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