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Old 06-21-2012, 08:36 PM
Maddog Maddog is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: NY
Posts: 195

All the points above are very valid.
What makes for a successful board is the cooperation of all its members. Some may be skilled in other areas not even related to the sports field and end up using those skills to help other members- I know I have done so numerous times.

Off topic but-
I remember I first became aquainted with Rich Simon way back when he was on another board. That site was an extremely fun and friendly site until certain new members came around and did nothing but critize other board members and stir up trouble. Then a complete "war" broke out with a large number of the more frequent posters and more helpful members deciding it wasn't worth their time and effort anymore and left (yes me included). The site is still around but no where near as much fun.

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