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Old 06-23-2012, 04:57 AM
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Tony Ooten
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Woodstock GA
Posts: 1,524

I sent my first ttm in June 5. Here are my stats: 28 sent, most with two cards in each (one card from each set I thought I'd try). I have received autos from Will Clark, Jimmy Key, Zane Smith, and David Nied. Will Clark and Jimmy Key both only returned one of the two cards. I have had one envelope returned with the wrong address (Jeff Kent).

Originally Posted by HRBAKER View Post
When the success rate began running less than 30%, it became a colossal waste of time and stamps to me.
I suspect that I'm going to realize I lack the patience to keep this up. I'm finding it a little painful to research the addresses, write the envelopes and the note requesting the auto, and purchase the stamps. I need a fairly steady reward to go thru that effort... So far I'm still trying it though

It's that slightly impatient aspect of my psyche that made collecting the Monster so appealing for me. Usually a pretty steady flow of t206's within my budget coming in the mail over a two year period
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