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Old 07-19-2012, 10:50 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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So "chase" just now tells me in an email that this person making these calls is named Callen Duffy, which does correspond with an email address (which can be made up in about 10 seconds). However, a quick google search will turn up almost anyone alive in some form or fashion. There is no name like that on the internet so I am not a believer (yet). Also, I have seen VintageRookies51 on the FCB board and SGC board, but not for a while. I don't know if these kids are up to no good or not but being skeptical is healthy.Cole Hibbard, Vintagerookies51 is actually on Youtube talking for about 4 minutes about an E107 Young and the voice does sound like the one that called me, though I am not 100% on it. Maybe I am totally wrong about this and will come back and apologize. When these things have happened in the past I was always correct....again, could be wrong, but we will see.
Leon Luckey
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