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Old 07-27-2012, 11:56 AM
thedutymon thedutymon is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
Neil, there is no getting around sensationalizing news. Most people crave it or we wouldn't have it.

So, basically, don't look for the media to downplay these incidents.

As far as "15 minutes of fame", I have no idea if that's what motivated Holmes, but I doubt it. Is it what will motivate potential copycat killers? Perhaps.


I respectively disagree with you on several points. Without infringing on 1st amendment rights which I firmly believe in I do not see it out of the realm of a reasonable and prudent society in a time of escalating crises as it pertains to these shootings to come to an agreement to self censor, whether that is through mandate or reasonable corporate citizenry is up to the people. That means the top tier Networks, Web News sites ect.; That this would not stop all reporting is inherently understood, But if Joe the Frickin' Idiot was not bombarded with it 24/7 glorifying the Name of the perpetrator on TV for Days/Weeks after an incident like this I firmly belive these type of incidents would be slowed at least. Especially the easily led/influenced Teens/School incidents.

And I disagree with your take on this type of person that is "it's about an angry, distraught, depressed, 'crazy' person at the end of his rope". What we have done in our society with the MEDIA is train this individual to do is exactly what happens, Pick up a Gun and plan a mass killing, not seek mental health help or some other sort of assistance or simply live with it as was done for most of the 20th century. No instead its about the Glory, whether you want to see it or not, the Wackos who don't blatantly do it for the Glory (Such as Kliebolt & Harris), do it because we have taught them that this is the way to react to their situation. Where in the He!! do you think these dipwads come up with the idea to react in the manner they do? The Fruckin' Media...That's where!!!

And once again another Big Deterrent of this type of behavior as my Man Ted said yesterday, Arm the innocent citizens and I guarantee you this Crap will stop!!!


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