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Old 08-04-2012, 04:44 PM
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Mi_ch.ael Bo,rk_in
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 675


Coach's corner was advertising in 2006 and for years before and after 2006. So you were there when the relationship between SCD and Coaches corner was going strong.

It sounds like you are somewhat involved with SCD in someway, although it is not exactly clear to what extent. I know I have heard your name mentioned in that publication so you must have been working with and communicating with quite a few of SCD's employees.

So, let me ask again: What are you planning to do to help alert readers of scd and new hobbyists about Christopher Morales and Coach's Corner?

How about I answer first: I was constantly writing in the blogs of SCD and calling out TS O'connell for years. Eventually TS O'Connell shut down the feedback section of his blog so I started my own blog on the matter.

I must have been heard since the boys at Coach's Corner tried to intimidate me. I stuck my name out there and had to deal with the possibility of Lee and his associates coming after me.

So instead of channeling your efforts into worrying about whether Christopher had permission to use an article, I wish you would show some effort in helping rid the hobby of these crooks.

I answered my question, now will you?
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