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Old 08-10-2012, 05:23 PM
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thisisradioclash thisisradioclash is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Spring, Texas
Posts: 37

Wow, very cool piece! What are the measurements on it? I'd totally frame it if it were a good size.

I'm pretty sure the word "caramelo" is being used as "candy" in a general sense; the brand name of the candy is Play, so "The exquisite Play candies present the comical/humorous baseball series (i.e. collection/compilation)." The bottom line translates as "A gift (i.e. freebie/favor) from Play candies." And the artist gets his mention, "Drawings by Lucio."

Nice pickup!

Originally Posted by GehrigFan View Post
Found this neat little cardboard advertising piece at the show. Curious if anyone knows anything about it? It would seem to be associated with the same company that did the 1946 Caramelo Deportivo set?

I believe it translates roughly to:

"The Exquisite Candy (Caramelo) Presents the Baseball Series 'Comica'. A Gift from Caramelo's 'Play'"

It comes with a set of paper squares in a paper envelope stapled to the back, apparently to play a game on the board?

Hello! I collect Walter Johnson, Dick Groat, Ryan Zimmerman, Cal Ripken Jr., and Anthony Rendon.

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