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Old 08-18-2012, 11:34 PM
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Originally Posted by thekingofclout View Post
Boy Mark. WHAT A BALL! Talk about a moment that will live with you forever! How did it come about? Before a game or after? Details Mark, details!

I went with my Little League Team to a game in the late 60s at Dodger Stadium and we were stuck in the right field pavilion (which is perfect for 9 & 10 year old kids!). Well, I couldn't take my eyes off of him the whole game! That was it for me. Although I trimmed down on my collection, the three photos and the letter I posted, are what I've kept. Am on the lookout for a signed personalized "To Jimmy/Jim" piece to add to my others. It will come.
I was 9 or 10 and at Forbes Field in 67 or 68. Before the game, I was watching some of the Bucs play pepper along the right field line when Jerry May fouled that ball into the stands and right at my feet. I got some signitures during the game, but I was waiting for Roberto at the clubhouse door after the game ended. He came out with his own black pen and signed it on the sweetspot.
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