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Old 08-27-2012, 02:24 PM
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zljones zljones is offline
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Originally Posted by chaddurbin View Post
am i reading this right--zach has been overpaid for over a year due to an accounting problem at his workplace. they just found out so he's back at his normal wage. he doesn't have to pay back any back wages. if this is correct, what's the problem?
No I do not have to pay back back wages. I was paid a certain amount before May 2011 then our company moved far away which i expressed to the owner that the gas and toll costs would be a major financial burden, others expressed this too. In order to prevent employees from walking out he decided to pay pay 1/3rd of our salary as expense reports instead of salary so not as much taxes were to be paid. Of course we ended with more pay but not at the companies expense. The owner got in trouble with the IRS recently so he had to cut off expense reports.
When I was first set up on expense report system back in May 2011 he was going to pay me $25,000 a year plus $10,000 a year in expenses because I was making $35,000 when we were at the location close to home. Making $25,000 a year plus $10,000 in expenses is much more money than $35,000 a year straight salary; therefore, compensating for the extra gas used to drive all the way up there every day. When we arrived here they somehow entered me in as $29,000 a year plus $10,000 in expenses instead of $25,000 a year and $10,000 in expenses. None of us knew about this error, I did think it was strange so I asked about over a year ago and they told me I was getting $25,000 plus $10,000. I did not think I was getting $29,000 and $10,000.
Recently it was discovered that I was getting $29,000 and $10,000 all this time, I was surprised but it was right. We now submit to a payroll company and they showed that I was getting $29,000 on the books. My company then adjusted me back to 35,000 a year which was the same as I made at the old location. The reason why I am in a worse situation is because I have spend tons of money on gas that I did not need to spend on when I was going closer to home. I hated sharing my salary but I think it is the only way this could be understood. they are not making me pay anything back but I worry about the IRS making me pay.
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