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Old 09-08-2012, 09:54 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
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Originally Posted by thekingofclout View Post
Let me ask you this, Travis. When people here post a scan of an Ali/Joe Louis/Sonny Liston autograph, and you reply that "it's bad." Do you spend 15-30 minutes studying the autograph on the screen? If not, how can you come to the conclusion that the signature is bad? According to you, the TPA's must spend a good amount of time comparing known examples before a valid opinion can be reached. Can you see the discrepancy here, Travis?
I can't answer for Travis nor would he want me too, but when you "know a signature is bad" & your an "expert" on that particular signer, you can just tell it's bad in seconds.

When it's real, it takes a bit more going over. So when I see a Mantle, I can usually tell if it's fake in 1 second. If it it appears real on the internet, it still really hasn't "passed" anything, only a formation "thumbs up". Technically, one would need to handle & examine the item carefully and actually should need to know what they're looking for, which I certainly don't.

Whenever corporate america is involved, you will get short cuts to making as much money as humanly possible at the moment, not giving a rats ass for the future. PSA & JSA are a conglomerates in this industry with obvious warts. I do appreciate JSA & PSA not passing EVERYTHING they see; however, They are getting too big and way too SMUG for their own good. This not answering questions crap, not owning up to their mistakes by recalling a thing, and "their word is gospel" will be the end of them. I can't wait for the day they crumble.....and with this attitude of theirs, that they can do no wrong, they will get theirs. Think GM in the 80's. (how's that for an analogy Travis) If not for the bail out of GM, I would have got my wish and watched them go out of business. No way is the govt going to bail out PSA or JSA

Last edited by Fuddjcal; 09-09-2012 at 09:52 AM.
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