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Old 09-22-2012, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by wonkaticket View Post
Sorry Leon disagree.

You see no need or merit for impartiality from a TPG when it comes to the vendors who use and sell their product? You see no potential message or conflict in this action to other customers who support them?

I’m not saying that anyone was or would get preferential treatment or grading buy being an advertiser. However why even put yourself at the risk of having anyone think it?

They are commercial business who depends on other paying customer’s income. They’re not Net54 a free website who offsets costs by taking advertising income. You can take the stance don’t like go somewhere else pound sand…SGC not so much. To me it’s like Coke placing stickers for 7-11 on all cans what does that say to other retailers who sell Coke products? Doing a promotion letting your customers know that Coke products are available at these fine retailers is one thing. But that’s not what this sticker is.

I like SGC a lot. Outside looking in here I kind of wish they would spend more energy pimping their brand vs. taking that time to let me know that some eBay seller is looking for material to sell. As a collector I already know that there are folks out there looking for stuff to sell and make 10-20% off the proceeds.

What would be nice to know is what kind of specials and products will SGC be offering to get more of my (the customers) business. When communicating with your end users to me that should be a company like SGC’s number one priority. Any opportunity in any other direction no matter how small is a lost opportunity as business and a missed opportunity with your customer.

In a nutshell pimp your brand to your customers. Who they sell their SGC graded cards too shouldn’t be a concern or something they should be taking time with. They should be concerned with folks sending more boxes of cards to them for grading. Not folks sending boxes of cards to an eBay seller.

In the end not upset don’t really care either way their business. So when are the B&L clings hitting the boxes Leon?


Hey John
Actually, I can still separate the difference in the branding of a dealer and SGC. It's no different than someone advertising on their site, to me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We can be great friends and still agree to disagree on this one. I just think it's good business and smart business for both of those companies. I think I am open minded enough to change my opinion if I am convinced otherwise, but that's not the case as of now. Probstein keeping their name in front of SGC customers is good business imo. But what do I know?
Leon Luckey
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