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Old 10-11-2012, 11:25 AM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
Join Date: May 2012
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Default JimStinson

Nope thats not Elvis....for the record after over 3 decades buying and selling autographs there are some that I ALWAYS avoid unless I am 100% absolutely certain they were signed IN-PERSON and they are ELVIS, THE BEATLES (except for maybe Ringo) , HUMPREY BOGART, SONNY LISTON (I know the difference between his and his wife's signature and have written a couple signature studies on Sonny but his real autograph is just too easy to replicate), MUHAMMAD ALI, WALT DISNEY, JFK, LBJ, and there are probably a couple others but there are people who specialize in just those names and sometimes even they get it wrong. Best to just walk away from the above unless the source is rock solid
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