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Old 10-17-2012, 09:10 AM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
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Without ANY regard to the signature itself, old timers would pretty much sign whatever you sent them in the mail so Cobb himself if this item had been sent to him in the mail probably would not send it back unsigned and tell some kid "This aint me in this photo". Research and photo identification were not very goo back in the day so it really did used to happen. Plus he probably wouldn't even know it wasn't him as it looks pretty close

No comment on the signature itself, just want to let you guys know that it was not uncommon for players to sign photos that did not picture them back when they were signed TTM for free in the 1950's-1980's. If someone thought it was Cobb and sent it to him to sign, he would have signed it. Once agin though, NOT saying I like the autographs themselves in any way.

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