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Old 10-17-2012, 04:05 PM
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Blunder19 Blunder19 is offline
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Thanks for the comments everyone. glad you liked the pics.

How I was selected: Random phone calls were made to people that lived in Nassau County Long Island (around the location for the debate)... 1st you had to be lucky enough to not hang up on this cold caller (as I always do.. but for some reason not this time).. and then you had to be considered an "undecided voter" after answering their questions.. if they determined you undecided and registered among a few other qualifications... you would be invited to attend.. I had to also pass a secret service background check.

I didnt find out until Monday that I had passed the background check and I was in.

How the Process works: They sent me a package in the mail 2 envelopes with 4 index cards each. One marked Moderator, the other marked participant. I had to think of 4 questions, and then copy them on the moderator cards. When we arrived yesterday they took the Moderator copy of the questions... Candy then selected everyone best question .... we found out which was our best question.. and had to throw away the other 3.. now we were all left with 1 question... but they would not tell us who would be asking the questions... they said if we heard our name on live TV.. we would know its time for us to stand up and ask.. so that made it a little nerve racking for all of us not to know who would ask.. we only knew out of the 80 people.. they would only have time to get to 10-15 questions. But all of the questions asked were ones created by the people who asked them.

My question was about small businesses... as my dad plans to retire within the next 4 years.. I will be left in charge or running the company.. the question was what issues do you recognize over the last 4 years that have hurt small business owners... and what would you change over the next 4.. to help improve things for SB owners.... But i was going to make a joke about my dad "being old" when talking about him retiring... and that he'd probably fell asleep for the debate.. and I was hoping he was DVR'ing the debate.. it would have been great to say it...

oh well still was great..

PS: I had no pictures with Romney because he only stayed around for about 5-10 minutes... Obama was there for about an hour afterwards.
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