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Old 11-09-2012, 07:02 PM
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chaddurbin chaddurbin is offline
qu@n nguy3n
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2,696

sports nowaday is a business, you can distill it down to players/fans relationship but it's not that simple. you don't pay for that seat, someone else will....or they move to another city if enough fans don't show up. does bill gates owe me anything because i've supported his crappy OS the last 20 years? will bill clinton drop his 6fig appearance fee to talk at my school because we californians supported him?

does brady owe the "fans" who heckle his wife after a bad game? and he does sign plenty for fans who show up when he make appearances (he does choose to usually sign the cheapest items). it does come down to supply and demand. yes the $600+ is extremely ridiculous. i would never pay that, but there are people out there willing to apparently. no big thing. if collectors/investors out there are willing to shell out 10k for a stephen strasburg or mike trout refractor, good for them!

Last edited by chaddurbin; 11-09-2012 at 07:03 PM.
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