Thread: Barry Bonds
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Old 11-14-2012, 02:22 PM
novakjr novakjr is offline
David Nova.kovich Jr.
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: 20 miles east of the Mistake
Posts: 2,269

Gotta agree about the cards being overproduced. It's not just Bonds or just the roiders though, it's like that accross the board. At some point though, I think the more obscure(or at least limited)cards will come to the forefront. Obviously, with Bonds the '86 Topps Traded Tiffany is still "the card" to have of him. I'd go as far as the 1987 Donruss Opening Day error as well(if you're willing to give that one RC designation)...

For other players. Say Ripken, I think the Topps Traded will always be the card to have for him...Mattingly, probably the "Nestle 792"...Biggio and Alomar, probably the '88 Score Update Glossys". Of players with no real obscure cards, I anticipate that the "Topps Tiffanys" will jump out in front. Also, I expect that the XRC/RC thing will sort itself out with the collectors. I think ultimately, the RC's will fade from memory, when there are XRC's in previous years.. Goodbye '85 for Clemens/Pucket. It'll be the '84 Fleer Update and nothing else.. Sammy Sosa, forget about all the 1990 realeses, it'll be the '89 Donruss Baseball's Best card.

I could keep going, but I think you get what I'm going for here. These cards will start to pull away from the pack. While the more overly-produced releases revert to almost common status. Keep in mind, that I'm not including minor league and really, really obscure team issues(that's a whole other ballgame), but I could easily see those picking up a lot steam as well..
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