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Old 11-17-2012, 02:23 PM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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The (2) Mullane Wills that I discovered in 2005 are NOT "Certainly Stolen". If you know anything about the way the Legal System works there are always 2 copies of Wills, one is filed with the Court and one goes to the Family for their records. The Will in Mastro was also superseeded by a new Will filed in the 1940's and was invalid anyways so it is doubly NOT stolen, wasn't even valid at the time of Mullane's death. If anyone has any questions about either Will I will be happy to give you a paper train that started with Mullane and ended up with me, in the process it went to his Daughter Ina Mullane (Schworm), her Daughter Dorothy Schworm, through the Lake County Probate Office in Illinois, then to me, and then to Masto. Case closed! I have one Mullane autograph left if anyone wants to see that too.

I know there have been problems with some Wills in the past being stolen, but this is not that case and both the Mullane Wills out there (the one from the 1940's is signed TWICE) are as clean as can be!

Also FYI, if anyone ever has any questions about his autograph, ALL his signatures in the hobby originated from me and the estate I bought so feel free to e mail me with any questions at all.

Rhys Yeakley

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