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Old 12-04-2012, 03:18 PM
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CarltonHendricks CarltonHendricks is offline
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Default Army Harvard Trophy

This isn't Army Navy but when I was at Harvard to photograph they're trophies in 2011 I saw one of the greatest trophies I've seen and it was Army related...actually it was thee greatest trophy I've seen in person...

In 1895 the Harvard football team traveled to West Point to play Army for the first time and won 4-0....Army gave Harvard a check of $250.00 to cover their traveling expenses. Apparently for some reason the gate wasn't enough for Army to make a profit. When Harvard learned Army didn't make anything from the game and the money came from the contributions of cadets and alum they sent the check back to Army. Army in turn took the $250.00 and had a trophy made and gave it to Harvard as a symbol of goodwill.

I saw the trophy when I was at Harvard to photograph their trophies as part of my May 2011 Brimfield Antiques Fair story. Actually I kind of came onto it unexpectedly....After I finished shooting the trophies in the Lee Family Hall of Athletic History in the Murr Center my host Renny Little who is in charge of the trophies walked me over to the football Coaches Lounge as they call it, more like a small lobby though...and I spotted it in a case. I had never heard of the trophy and apparently it's not widely known about as there's essentially nothing about it on the internet. I Googled "1895 Army gives Harvard trophy" and got nothing. It's interesting you can find something that great no one knows about...which proves the internet isn't the end all....There's still something to be said for physically getting out there. Had I not visited the University that trophy would still be sitting there unknown to me.





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Last edited by CarltonHendricks; 12-04-2012 at 03:44 PM.
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