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Old 01-04-2013, 01:06 AM
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teetwoohsix teetwoohsix is offline
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Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
Amazingly, there are currently 'deals' in place where a diagnosed schizophrenic who committed a mass murder, was remitted to a psychiatric facility with the provision that if he was ever 'cured', he would go immediately to prison. Amazing that in 2012 (at the time) the court system is still referring to 'curing' schizophrenics. The point is that the public wants vengeance much more than they want to deal with reality.

Oh, forgot to mention - a schizophrenic at Western States in Washington was recently deemed 'cured' and sent to prison. So, tell me - who are the crazy people?
Modern day Salem witch trials.

They know the person is mentally ill, send him/her to a mental health facility for an "observation", give them who knows what kind of drugs/medication, and then say "he/she understands the charges against him/her", and now they are fit to stand trial. Yeah, that's it. Poof, no longer mentally ill.....

My Grandmother (RIP) was actually treated for depression back in the 50's with "electric shock therapy", I couldn't believe what I was hearing when I found this out. It made me sick.

Sincerely, Clayton
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