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Old 01-06-2013, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by barrysloate View Post
I know we "hashed" this out.....

Good one!
Thanks Barry

I was trying to have a sense of humor there. But, I thought this would be groundbreaking news-I don't remember this coming out in the last thread. I've known that it helped people who went through chemotherapy with their appetite, helped people with chronic pain, helped people with glaucoma, helped people with depression & anxiety- but I was actually shocked when I read the article in the link I provided in my first post.

I wouldn't have posted the link had I thought it was just unfounded info posted by someone just making the claim, but the article breaksdown the research that was done, and by whom, and we are talking a path to a CURE FOR CANCER !!!! I'm suprised this isn't all over the news !!!

Many of us unfortunatley knows someone who has battled cancer and knows how devastating it is. A dear friend of mine lost his life (made it through the Vietnam war) to throat cancer (RIP Manuel). It is mind boggling to me that this isn't all over the news.

Sincerely, Clayton

P.S. Thanks for the response Barry
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