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Old 01-09-2013, 01:31 PM
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glchen glchen is offline
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I'm one of the keep 'em all out people. I equate amphetamine / greenies more like a stronger form of coffee. I've never seen any kind of stat where after amphetamines were banned, some kind of baseball statistic such as strikeouts, home runs, batting average suddenly went down. So that tells me that the effect of these on the "numbers" in baseball was negligible. (If someone does have some stats on these, please correct me.) However, steroids was completely different. All of the numbers went up, way, way up, and since they have been banned, no one has approached 60 home runs again. That shows that the effect of steroids on the game was huge, and if you used it, you shouldn't get rewarded for it by being inducted into the Hall of Fame. This is not about being a likeable person or not (e.g., Cobb), but just that if you were on 'roids, your numbers were not genuine.

I really thought Biggio would get in. I didn't think he was associated w/ steroids or had that kind of body type. Maybe next year. I am also hoping that Morris is able to get in next year although it looks tough. I think next year Maddux and Glavine make it in, but the Big Hurt is left off.
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