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Old 01-10-2013, 05:40 AM
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yanksfan09 yanksfan09 is offline
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I haven't voted here. However, I don't get why Biggio is assumed to be a choir boy, when everyone else from the era is thrown under the bus so far? It seems as though if you had any power, natural or not, you are highly suspect even without any real evidence of wrong doing now.

I'll start by saying I don't believe Biggio juiced. However, just because you aren't a big time power guy does not mean you're clean at all. Tons of small skinny speedy type players in majors and minors have been caught since MLB implemented drug testing. Remember Alex Sanchez? As well as a bunch of pitchers. It seems like besides Clemens, most pitchers aren't really suspect from the era, nor are guys who didn't hit 40+ hr every year. However the failed drug test results in last 5 or so years doesn't justify that idea. As looking at Biggio, he was a small middle infielder who had a power spike from 6 to 21 in 92-93. Again, I'm not at all saying I think he was guilty but I don't get why no one seems to remotely think he could be when any larger player with any power isn't treated the same, even if no evidence against them.

Everyone can agree that Bonds and Clemes, McGwire and Sosa, Palmeiro etc... are guilty. However, the whole situation is a huge mess and we will never know all the clean and dirty players. People talk about hearing the other 103 names on the sealed list like it is the answer to the whole era. Well I'll tell ya, even if they released that, which I don't think the ever will, that is not nearly a complete story of who done it either! That was just one random test from one year. The ones that failed were obviously guilty but the ones that didn't fail certainly were NOT necessarily clean ie....Lance Armstrong...

I'm rambling a bit, but I just don't see the logic with Biggio receiving such high voting when others with no evidence against them are seemingly being demonized and being punished as guilty until proven innocent. Biggio also never led the league in hits or average and was only a .280 hitter with minimal power. He had a long healthy career where he was able to compile some nice lifetime stats but there are ton of players I'd vote in before Biggio!
Er1ck.L. ---D381 seeker

Last edited by yanksfan09; 01-10-2013 at 05:47 AM.
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