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Old 01-10-2013, 08:41 AM
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Rick McQuillan
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Wisconsin
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I am laughing at all of the questions about who took steroids and who did not. The fact is that all of the players benefited from steroid use whether they took them or they did not. How many players have world series rings because they looked the other way when some of their teammates were using steroids? How many players received more salary because of the increased fan base during the McGwire/Sosa era?

In my opinion the players who weren't using are just as guilty as the players who were using. Why did they feel it was right to look the other way when a teammate was breaking the law or breaking the rules? Do you let someone commit a crime just because they are a teammate? What if the crime was something other than taking steroids, would they let a teammate get away with rape or stealing?

Even if it wasn't a crime - do you let someone get away with cheating? Being on the same team doesn't make it OK to let someone cheat. It needed to be addressed in the locker room or if it was a crime then it should be have reported to the police.

I love baseball and I hate to see the way the steroid use has degraded the integrity of the game, but I was very happy to see that no one was elected.

And to all of the players out there - have you ever heard of doing the right thing? Shouldn't your integrity and honesty mean more to you than some peer pressure from your co-workers? How can you expect your children to stand up to peer pressure when you could not?

Just my two cents.

Rick McQuillan

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