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Old 01-22-2013, 03:50 PM
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Sean Brennan
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3,351

The problem with the chicken scenario is that kfc has always set a standard of Charging for their chicken. What these players do is decide willy nilly wether to sign or charge or whatever. If sir mike didnt want to sign then fine don't. But waiting thirty years and bilking minimum wage collectors is the move of an ahole. Marlon brando made a mill a day for his work on superman. Do you think he gets that because he works hard? No stars get paid big bucks to compensate for living a stars lifestyle of being harassed day and night. So yes it is their duty to sign for the people that generate the money to cover their rediculous paychecks. They are also rich enough that if they wanted they could avoid autograph hounds yet at premiere time they have no problem passing up those people to be interviewed by E!
I'm sure mike marshall probably isnt filthy rich but he put this on himself to have people calling him names for being a hypocrite money grubbing ahole.
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