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Old 01-25-2013, 05:55 AM
johnmh71 johnmh71 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 552

Originally Posted by HOF Auto Rookies View Post
I know ACE is very bad. A few of you may know that I was employed by GAI/ACE for a while with certifying specific players, but not all. I left them because of what my research showed they were certifying examples that weren't authentic (which many of you have pointed out), and this went against my personal beliefs that I didn't want to associate myself with that and tarnish my name,

Though I will say that I know you may not trust an ACE cert, it might be worth your while to look into it further in regards to authenticity. I did so when I left and have had a decent sample size with an ACE cert be authentic that I got for a seal.
I agree. Both GAI and ACE were once reputable and legitimate autographs were submitted to them. Deals can be had. But there is definately a buyer beware aspect to their stuff.
John Hat.cher
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