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Old 02-01-2013, 01:38 PM
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Default JimStinson

Originally Posted by Mr. Zipper View Post
I don't see why so many turn this into an all or nothing scenario. Can't we like both Jim, Richard and the credible TPAs?

I am usually pretty comfortable with authenticating the material I buy myself. But sometimes I want something and don't have the time, energy or desire to study the signature for months to develop a sound level of expertise in it. Maybe I want a Hideki Irabu signed photo and really don't feel like becoming a Hideki Irabu expert in the process... I just want the damn photo to put in my collection and move on. It doesn't make me a bad guy -- it makes me like 99% of collectors. And this is where dealers and TPAs come into play.

Of course I would prefer to patronize a longtime and reputable seller like Richard or Jim first, and if I bought from them I would have a high degree of confidence in their offerings.

But let me ask... when was the last time Richard or Jim had a Derek Jeter bat? What about an Albert Pujols ball? What about that Hideki Irabu SP... Jim can you help?

No dealer -- or small group of dealers -- is the complete solution unless you have a very tight focus.

Despite the claims of some, in my opinion, PSA and JSA are highly accurate in most cases. Certainly there are areas where they could likely improve. But they are a reliable opinion in the vast majority of cases. I would buy a Derek Jeter bat from eBay with a PSA or JSA cert with full confidence. With Mantle, Williams, Maris and DiMaggio, I can't recall ever seeing them cert a clunker. I could go on, but you get the point.

Now, if I hit the lottery and wanted to invest in a Babe Ruth single signed ball, I would not rely on anyone's sole opinion. In all due respect, if I bought one from Jim, I'd ask for a second opinion from Richard and vice-versa. If it had a TPA letter, I'd get second opinions too. This just seems to be common sense with a high value / high risk item.

* In the interest of full disclosure, I am the space consultant for JSA. I have examined hundreds of items for them and give every one my best thinking and effort. I have never been rushed, influenced to opine one way or another and I am never told who the submitter is.
Very well put & excellent point, We are discussing opinions and when it comes to opinions EVERYONE can be right and EVERYONE can be wrong. Sometimes all at the same time.

For a long time everyone thought the earth was flat or that the sun revolves around the earth, I would imagine that when this was proven as wrong it probably ticked off alot of people ....ESPECIALLY THE MAP MAKERS

But in business everyone IS and SHOULD be allowed to spend their money however they like , where ever they like. And when it comes to business the one constant is IF SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING RIGHT they stay in business , If not they fail.

With regards to PSA they have been around awhile so they must be doing SOMETHING right , I know some of the people that are involved with them and personally I like them.

JSA ....same thing they have stayed in business because enough people like what they do to keep them in business. I know some of the people that work for them and I like them , Including Jimmie himself..who I've hoisted more than a few beers with over the years.

With regards to the new SGC authentication which started this thread. I wish them nothing but the best, I spoke with the fellow thats going to be their lead authenticator on the phone a couple days ago and although we've never met he sounds like a nice guy , that sincerely wants to do the right thing.

So there is plenty of room for everyone to co exist and get along, and have opinions. The real test in the end is like ....Darwin's Evolution of Species.....If it works it fourishes and grows , if it dosen;t it goes. That applies to business as it does in nature and also applies to third party authenticators , dealers, restaurants, auto mechanics, You name it.
There is alot of good natured banter here and I like it, Have communicated with some likeable people as a result of my participation here that I otherwise would have never crossed paths with and for that I'm greatful.

No reason on earth why everyone can't have their opinions and still get along
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