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Old 03-19-2013, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Fuddjcal View Post
no offense taken, I just don't support companies that sell fake crap. E-bay is making plenty of money "not" selling things and I don't want to feed anyone one red cent when I don't believe in what they're doing....especially gigantic conglomerates like e-bay. That's my only point.

Others on Fudd's Current banned List:

Waste Management
American Express
E-bay ( on the ropes)

all for various reasons

Fair enough. For the record, it does disturb me that Ebay is following through on this policy. The phrase "Beholden to the stockholders" usually does not bode well for the general public.

This, in tandem with yet another Ebay fee rate hike, Ebay deciding they want a chunk of the S&H costs, the recent Postage rate hikes (especially overseas items), and the continuing roadblocks Ebay puts up to reach their increasingly hard to obtain fee discounts, are going to eventually cost them both buyers and sellers alike.
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