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Old 03-24-2013, 01:39 PM
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J0shua Le.vine
Join Date: Apr 2009
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I still think that it is an unfinished series. I am no expert here and maybe someone who has a little better grasp of the tobacco history might be able to fill in some gaps.

We know t205s were most likely distributed at the end of really large thing happened during this time. The ATC breakup happened in November of 1911.

This could have affected several things with relation to printing of the t205s.

Here are some ideas of mine...if anybody can confirm or deny, please help...

1st. When the ATC broke up the ATC consolidated its holdings in NC, VA, and KY. These are where the Hassan cards were printed and if I recall, Hassan was a brand that remained with the ATC.

2nd. Polar Bear was to become part of the Lorillard Tobacco company after the split.

I was wondering if the Polar Bear and Hassan ML cards were printed prior to the breakup (fronts) and issued and packed before the breakup was finalized. These being the last of the t205s issued. If the breakup never happened...would the 400 designs promise be upheld?

Just wondering what impact the breakup had on this issue that was clearly produced right in the middle of the ATC anti-trust suit.

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