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Old 03-25-2013, 06:09 AM
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earlywynnfan earlywynnfan is offline
Ke.n Su.lik
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Originally Posted by shelly View Post
Ken, I have no idea why your so upset. That piece of garbage didn't mention you.
If he did I would be saying the same thing I said on Chris's behalf. Not only you but anyone one this site. I know you really dont care about what I think but you should care that there is someone out there that is that sick.
Do you not see anything strange what took place in the last 24 hours.
Why in the world if Travis said anything like you suggested would anyone believe it now. He had his chance.
I agree this should stop but not because someone has to kiss someones a=s. I have had many things said about me but nothing like this.
This is just pure hate. I am just amazed how many of you have said nothing.
I do have one question? I know that we have a new memeber on this site and he has not opened his mouth I just wonder why?
I think my intentions didn't come through clearly. Yes, I'm angry about how this thread has gone: angry about that POS website. I wanted what I clearly posted: Travis to come out and bash that site. Then, yes, all of you would have the opportunity to apologize to him. But if he won't, well, silence is damning.

Just like I gave Chris the opportunity to clear up what he said. You'll notice he has posted multiple times, but has yet to answer EITHER of my posts. He, too, has made assertions that he has yet to back up.

Right now, I feel that BOTH members have lost credibility.

And as for TM, after I get home from work today, I'm going to call him and ask him directly if he's associated with that garbage site. Have you thought of doing the same??

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