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Old 04-01-2013, 01:23 AM
Matthew H Matthew H is offline
Matt Hall
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Originally Posted by Tanman7baseball View Post
I remember a primarily vintage shop near Orange County, CA back about 10 years ago. It closed down (don't remember when) but it only carried extremely high-end cards and memorabilia. Literally I can only remember things being in the thousands... Since I was only 12 years old I obviously couldn't afford anything. I'm assuming it closed down because it just turned into a museum instead of a card shop. Sadly, I feel most shops are like this.

I have been thinking about our hobby a lot lately. I am in my early 20s and rarely do I find a vintage collector that is my age. Now this makes me think...what is the average age for a vintage baseball card collector? 45-55 years old or so?

I collect cards, because I love baseball. I have yet to sell anything I own, but I know there will come a time when I will. My question is, what is going to happen to the card market when the average 45-55 year old "kicks the bucket"? Will card prices plunge? I know about 2 other people who enjoy collecting vintage baseball cards that are my age. I am finishing up college here at Oklahoma State University and have talked to hundreds of people about the baseball card world. No interest. The last 6 months I have tried to help a man start up a local card shop. Within that 6 month span I did not meet one person my age who collected baseball cards (modern or vintage).

My ultimate question is who will I sell to in 40 or 50 years?

There have been many threads on this subject. In my opinion, there are many collectors in that age group partially because it's more likely an age group that could afford to spend what it takes. I'm 32 years old and would have been collecting much much longer if I could have. I used to go to card shows with my brothers and drool all over the showcases... Cards were so beautiful in their late 80s-raw glory

Most well-to-do adults collect stuff. Maybe not BB cards, but something... BB cards are americana and will always be collected IMO. So in 40-50 years, you will probably be selling to guys in the 45-55 age group, just like how it is now.

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