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Old 04-01-2013, 12:06 PM
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Tanman7baseball Tanman7baseball is offline
Colby Neal-Tan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Mission Viejo, CA
Posts: 182

Originally Posted by teetwoohsix View Post
I think Leon did a poll of the average age of collectors on the board, maybe he can pull it up. But, as far as the card prices plunging; I think this is where you have to ask yourself what is the most important thing- how much your cards may be worth in the future, or, how much you enjoy collecting regardless of what happens down the road? I'm sure we all hope our cards will retain at least what we put into them-but, you have to accept the fact that anything can happen. 20 years from now that $1,000.00 card may be worth $100.00,,,,,or that $1,000.00 card may be worth $2,000.00. I just enjoy trying to put together the set because it's thrilling to me, and whatever happens in the future happens. It's a little easier if you don't look at the cards as an investment

Sincerely, Clayton
I agree with you. I have never had any desire to sell. I am very passionate about collecting baseball cards and I love the history. I will say that since I have joined Net 54 I think I might start liquidating my 50s and 60s to start buying pre-war . I know that the big names will hold value, but to justify spending thousands of dollars on cards instead of putting into the stock market I like to think that if I have potential increased value in these cards.

Lastly, if there is ever a time in my life where I am in dire need of money I will sell my car and everything else I have before my cards...

Sorry guys for straying off the topic of B&M. But if anyone is in Oklahoma and you are itching to go to a card shop I would reccomend Al's Sports Cards. One small showcase filled with vintage but he will occasionally get in pre-war. Prices are usually high, but occasionally you will find some reasonable deals. He treats his customers with respect and will reward his loyal customers with better pricing. Probably why he is basically the only card shop left in Oklahoma...
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