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Old 05-08-2013, 07:50 AM
travrosty travrosty is offline
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Originally Posted by kcohen View Post
Seriously? How could anyone with an ounce of discernment lend any credibility to Nash's "findings?" It beggars belief.

Nash found the ty cobb "signed" ball at heritage to be manufactured after cobb's death. brandon the baseball guy confirmed it and they got the manufacturer to confirm it. so what are you talking about?

why is this "finding" not credible because it is nash dong the heavy lifting and legwork instead of (who would you prefer?)

Where is Heritage in all of this? They have how many experts over there? Let's all just run it through the pope from now on so you can believe it.

It shows the shortcomings (putting it lightly) of these people and entities (not heritage of course) who keep foisting the same dubious items over and over but people LIKE them so they will find fault with the messenger no matter who reveals it. But we keep seeing the same things over and over again.

Stolen, fake, Stolen, fake, Stolen, fake, Stolen, fake. Does anyone here think the honus wagner added signature to the first hof class envelope was a figment of nash's imagination? he proved it got certified with an extremely washed out/erased wagner signature, then later was given a cert with a dark bold wagner signature. why bash nash for that? if he hadn't found it and reported it, we still wouldn't have known about it. but there are people who don't want you to know about it.

If I revealed it you would find out that I broke the tinker toys in kindergarten so who can believe that dastardly R0STE fellow?

It's all the same, has been and always will be until action is taken by those with authority, then the day will come when nobody knew these companies very well anyway, and it will all be arms length. just you watch. Who brags now that they are tight with Mastro and he was awesome? People still don't want to admit that Halper pulled one over them big time because doing so would mean nash is right, so they fail to admit halper couldn't tell the truth. halper looked right into the cameras and lied that he played ball for foxx at miami when we know he didn't.

But when the shoe drops, watch the devoted followers scatter. These places and people who now hold a place of esteem will be denied three times before the cock crows once it is no longer monetarily or socially acceptable to defend them.

Auction house who? and authenticator who? never heard of them. That's what it will be and those who have been here long enough will know that the rewriting of history by disassociating with these companies when people carry water for them all day long will be a bunch of baloney.

Again, most people know that the information he finds is damaging to a hobby where a few run the show and don't like dissenters and there is hell to pay for digging into a story when the names they find at the back of the closet are the same ones who hold power in the hobby. So even though they agree with most of what HOS reveals, they keep quiet out of fear they will be ostracized or blackballed.

They will then go and post that since the revealer is Nash, then the information he presents must be suspect. What a convenient "out". They then get their pat on the top of the head and their scooby snack from the status quo hobby machine that wants to pump out this stuff and not be accountable for it.

Last edited by travrosty; 05-08-2013 at 08:21 AM. Reason: change of wording.
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