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Old 05-08-2013, 02:42 PM
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glchen glchen is offline
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Default How to tell if a Ruth sig is authentic?

Is there a way to tell that a Ruth signature is authentic besides it having a COA from PSA or JSA, which in itself is debateable? For example, if a Ruth signature is on a ball, which is covered in shellac, doesn't that pretty much guarantee authenticity (and it would also have a PSA or JSA LOA to confirm it is not a clubhouse signature)? That is, none of the forgers have known to shellac a signature because it is just too much trouble, so these should be good?

I know people can debate the actual signature to death, such as whether the "a" is closed, "t" is crossed, curve of the "R" and so forth. However, I was wondering if there were other characteristics that would also help such as the wear on it? I know there are other stuff such as provenance, ensuring the item the signature is on is within the period, and so forth. Anything else besides shellacking? Thanks!
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