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Old 05-24-2013, 01:45 PM
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And.rew Whi.te
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Southern Wisconsin/Northern Illinois
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Originally Posted by dwr11 View Post
I agree with Mays being the worst. Blyleven use to be very cool until he made the HOF. Since he made the HOF it is all about the dollar.

I would say best are:
B Robinson
Josh Hamilton

The two worst by far for me were:
I have heard so many bad experiences with Bench but I have to share a good one.

Wrigley Field, 1972 (or so) and a nine year old kid is standing right next to the visitors dugout during batting practice, baseball in hand and begging for anyone to sign his baseball. Bench was coming towards the dugout after finishing his swings in the cage and a large crowd suddenly engulfs the nine year old child as they all swarm in an attempt to get an autograph from Mr. Bench. Mr. Bench sees the kid being squished by the crowd but still wide eyed at literally being face to face with one of the stars of the Major Leagues at that time. Mr. bench takes the kids baseball, signs a beautiful signature, hands it back to the kid and disappears into the dugout, ignoring all the other screaming fans.

Yeah, that little kid was me and even though I have heard the terrible stories of this guy over the years I just remember back to that sunny summer day and remember that at least once in his life, Johnny Bench wasnt all about himself and the money his autograph commands.

I have seen him at numerous shows over the years and have wanted to show him the ball and share my story but I know he would just stare at me like Tommy Lee Jones and say....... "So"?
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