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Old 05-27-2013, 09:20 PM
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frankhardy frankhardy is offline
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Default Please pray for Jason's (jasond08) 15 year old daughter

Jason (jasond08) is a good friend of mine. He called me Thursday night with some very serious news. His 15 year old daughter was at a Kansas City Royals game with some friends and neighbors. They were in the bleachers when she passed out. She had experienced a massive heart attack. Yes, at 15 years old. A nurse from the Royals staff and a neighbor, who is also an ICU nurse performed CPR on her and she briefly revived. As the EMT's were taking her out of Kaufman Stadium, she passed out again. They needed an AED (defibrillator) to bring her back.

He called me while he and his wife were on the way to the hospital asking me to pray for the situation.

She is in stable, but very serious condition. Some bit of good news was that they did get a response from her today. She squeezed her mom and dad's hands. When Jason bent down to kiss her and tell her he loved her, she teared up. Having a daughter myself, when he told me that, it really got to me. I just had to share this with you guys hoping that you will pray, if you are a praying person. Thank you all.
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