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Old 05-28-2013, 11:14 AM
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Greg Mitchell
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: New York City area
Posts: 2,432

Yes, that's a key question--the one about where prices for all cards will be in 5 to 10 years. i've read a few theories here based on age--as a Boomer myself--and how that will (may) influence things down the road. Some have assumed drastic drop in interest and prices in a few years as Boomers retire and unload and far fewer younger collectors. Others claim that in retirement Boomers will have more time (and in some cases, money) to collect. Myself, I wonder if there will be a boom for 10 years and then a drastic drop as Boomers truly unload (or die).

The other issue is what about those younger collectors? After all, this is not about nostalgia for cards we grew up with in '50s and '60s but for cards over 100 yrs old. So where do younger people stand on that?
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